What’d She Do? – IOTW Report

What’d She Do?


1- Injected heroin in a hotel basement and passed out against a steam pipe

2- She and a friend passed out drunk in the back of a bus, and her friend vomited on her face, giving her acid burns

3- Tried to spit fire and set herself and a store awning on fire

4- Passed out drunk against a traffic light pole and frostbit her face

5- During fistfight with boyfriend she was splashed with a pot of melted cheese

6- Inhaled computer duster spray cans

7- Helping her boyfriend steal copper she cut through an active steam pipe

8- Motorcycle jousting with push brooms

9- Sprayed by skunks while sleeping it off on someone’s lawn

10- The horse didn’t appreciate being exploited for a sex film


20 Comments on What’d She Do?

  1. I was watching Alaska State Troopers the other day and they mentioned this practice, never heard of it before that. They also had people consuming large amounts of shampoo just for the alcohol content. Out above the arctic circle, people will pay a couple hundred bucks for a 5th of whiskey.

    What the hell is wrong with just being sober?

  2. I’m going with 3.

    That looks like a fire burn and the path from lips looks liquid based like it spilled out of her mouth as she looked up.

    Hate when that happens.

  3. Okay, I’ll get personal here. I have a niece that’s about the same age as this woman. My niece likes huffing the gas off of whipped cream cans. She lands in the hospital paralyzed and it caused a vitamin deficiency. On top of that, she has diabetes and now terminal cancer. When she passes I won’t be sad. All worries will be gone along with her miserable life which she brought on to herself. No more EBT cards for her either. The taxpayers will be free of one more low life.

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