Whatley: RNC Hiring ‘Election Integrity Councils’ in Battleground States – IOTW Report

Whatley: RNC Hiring ‘Election Integrity Councils’ in Battleground States


The Republican National Committee (RNC) is hiring “election integrity directors and election integrity councils in every battleground state” ahead of the general election, RNC chair Michael Whatley said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

When asked how Republicans can feel confident that every vote was counted properly in November, Whatley said “there’s really two components to it.”

“Number one, you got to get out the vote. Number two, you have to protect the ballot, and we absolutely are focused on making sure that we have election integrity around the country,” he said, explaining that the RNC is “making sure that we have the laws, the rules and regulations in place in every state that are going to allow a fair election” and “working with legislators” as well as boards of elections and secretaries of state. more

14 Comments on Whatley: RNC Hiring ‘Election Integrity Councils’ in Battleground States

  1. Won’t be enough to stop them from stealing the election.

    Unless you can guarantee that only registered voters that physically go to the polls on election day, show ID, and only vote once, anything else in any iteration cannot provide even the appearance of a fair and honest election.

  2. “Won’t be enough to stop them from stealing the election.”

    She’s only been in that position for what, 20, 30 days? I’m sure she’s got more up her sleeve and I’m sure she’s collaborating with the best and the brightest from Team Trump. Including Donald J. But what they can’t control is if there will actually be an election. The piece of shit traitorous bastards from the coup have switched their concern from we need to stay in power to oh fuck, I really don’t want to be shot standing up against a wall. Blind fold or not. I don’t think team Trump can influence that scenario one bit. My opinion is the coup will pull all the stops in trying to call martial law and suspend the election. I hope I’m wrong.

  3. “I’m sure she’s got more up her sleeve”

    She could have a hundred arms with a hundred different sleeves, she has no say in the main proponent of the fraud; millions of unaccountable mail-in ballots floating around, filled out by party operatives and dropped off (stuffed) in the dead of night at boxes not under surveillance. This is what got us the last time, GOP candidates way up, then night falls, and miraculously, new ballots are found and the election swings the other way.

  4. “She could have a hundred arms with a hundred different sleeves”

    And again, none of that will mean shit if there’s no election. You’re a total defeatist. We should give up now.

  5. ^^^^ You can give up if you like, or, how about this, wish real hard and see what happens?

    Understanding the problem (how they cheated) is the first step. You can delude yourself into thinking that nothing matters because there won’t be an election. I prefer to prepare for all contingencies.

  6. Again,

    “She’s only been in that position for what, 20, 30 days? I’m sure she’s got more up her sleeve and I’m sure she’s collaborating with the best and the brightest from Team Trump.”

    I’m sure my reading comprehensions getting in the way.

  7. “election integrity directors and election integrity councils in every battleground state”

    Better send armed guards, too.
    Read Joe Hoft’s “The Steal.”
    Pennsylvania (for one instance) used their Sheriff’s offices to keep the Republican vote count verifiers out.
    The corruption is astounding – unashamed – completely blatant – and proud of their cheat, treasons, and crimes – knowing they won’t be arrested, indicted, prosecuted, and certainly never convicted.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. The RNC is still using outdated methods to check for vote fraud. The current way the demo-fascist party is committing fraud deals with addresses of voters. Voters registered as living at the local Walmart, Quik Stop, 7-11 or a vacant lot. Then after the election the voters at these ‘addresses’ miraculously disappears. Laura taking over the RNC is a little late less than 230 days until election time. Here’s a link to a group that lays out how easy it is to cheat and how to prevent it. Their topic titles are blunt but emphasize the importance of this election:

    Trump’s Gonna Get Spanked – Fraud Will Ice Him Again

    Trump and the RNC are blind to the stuff from 2020 – 2024 is much worse!


    Election Fraud Is A Three-Headed Hydra – And There Are Only 230 Days Left!

    Time to quit screwing around chasing phantoms, and put points on the board!



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