What’s changed in Florida? Gov DeSantis explains to Mark Levin why November’s vote will be different – IOTW Report

What’s changed in Florida? Gov DeSantis explains to Mark Levin why November’s vote will be different

BPR: Fox News host Mark Levin and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Sunday they believe President Donald Trump’s chances of winning his home state again in a few weeks are better than they were when he took the Sunshine State from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton four years ago.

Noting that Florida is a “key state” for presidential contenders, Levin noted that the two prior Republican “establishment” presidential nominees — the late Sen. John McCain in 2008 and now-Sen. Mitt Romney in 2012 — lost there before Trump managed to eke out a victory in 2016.

“How does it look in Florida right now?” Levin asked.

DeSantis, a former U.S. congressman, began by pointing out that in 2016, “there were about 350,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans” in the state.

“Now, it’s less than 180,000 differential, and we think when all the books are finally in, we think it may be closer to 150,000,” DeSantis said. “So, whatever it is in that range, it’ll be the closest Republicans have ever been to Democrats in Florida in the history of the state.”

DeSantis credited part of the shift with his belief that Americans are moving there to escape high-tax, high-regulation states most often associated with Democratic governance.

“I do think that many of them are registering as Republicans,” the governor said. more here

7 Comments on What’s changed in Florida? Gov DeSantis explains to Mark Levin why November’s vote will be different

  1. I hope some of those fleeing the blue states for TX also register as republicans. Our lord and king Abbott still has us under a mask mandate and spends his time making sure to entice blue state companies to relocate here. More of my hope resides in the Hispanics. Everyone assumed they’d be loyal democrats but since they’ve lurched publicly to the left the Hispanics are starting to move right. You can see that all over FL and here in Laredo where huge Trump trains pop up.

  2. Anon, as for your state’s mask mandate, something I noticed while spending time in your state(which btw out of all the states I’ve visited your state and Iowa are running a real close race to masked citizens and leads in citizens driving around in their cars alone with masks on) is that Hispanics make up the largest group not wearing masks. A mexican restaurant was the only restaurant we called that said they didn’t require masks. Although IHop had a sign on the door, nobody said nothing to us when we went in and picked up our breakfast to go order.
    I was told several times in your state that it was law that I wear a mask. I informed them that legislature makes laws not dictator governors. I was also told I would be fined and I asked them if their dictator governor deputized them as the mask police.

    It was sad to me to see so many Texans looking and acting like idiots.


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