What’s Going On Here? – IOTW Report

What’s Going On Here?

48 Comments on What’s Going On Here?

  1. Pregnancy tests. They’re all possible fathers, including the sodomites. They’re hoping it’s positive so they can throw another abortion pizza party.

  2. grool, hating the vexing wicked
    OCTOBER 12, 2019 AT 8:18 AM
    “Pregnancy tests. They’re all possible fathers, including the sodomites. ”

    …the father of ALL Democrats is Satan, since the Bible tells us he’s the Father of Lies and that’s essentially what they ALL are…

  3. ..French kings used to abuse their courtiers by making EVERYTHING in their worthess lives a must-attend ceremony. Just another form of asserting dominance and fatiguing others into compliance. Perhaps this is HER version of the levée…


    …I don’t oppose this at all, if so, as long as she gets the FULL French royal treatment, she and ALL those that would be our monarchs…


  4. When she asked those folks standing with her how they could get Trump, they said “Make up stuff.” Being old and demented she misunderstood and took them with her to the ladies room to give pointers on make up stuff she keeps in her purse.

  5. You know, it takes HOURS to apply that much Bondo each day prior to the press meetings and taking actual votes on the floor. This is the only time they can get together to conspire.

  6. I’m sure there is some special rule that keeps any congress critter’s statements made in the bathroom from the public record, initially put in place to hide the moans and groans that take place during bowel movements in order to protect against embarrassment…
    They first used that loophole to get away with sexual activities decades ago, but have recently used it to hide when the conspire against a sitting president.

  7. Jethro
    OCTOBER 12, 2019 AT 9:20 AM
    “You know, it takes HOURS to apply that much Bondo each day prior to the press meetings and taking actual votes on the floor.”

    …the Bondo® folks will probably be sending a lawyer your way with a cease and desist order to stop suggesting that their high-quality product would produce such spectacularly bad and false-looking results…

  8. Anonymous
    OCTOBER 12, 2019 AT 9:52 AM
    “Alright. Short straw does CNN this time.”

    …Democrat males ALL have short straws, that’s why Democrat FEMALES are always so angry…

  9. She’s handing out doped butt-plugs.

    Asthma suppositories have been around for decades, and now they have em for brain-addling. Maintaining that level of retardation isn’t natural (most rocks are smarter) so they need “special” help.

    izlamo delenda est …


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