What’s Going On In DC Right Now? – IOTW Report

What’s Going On In DC Right Now?

Pro-Palestinian protesters arrested after blocking DC roads, calling for ceasefire in Gaza

Image courtesy of PHenry.

24 Comments on What’s Going On In DC Right Now?

  1. Check out what’s going on in the People’s Republic of Cincinnati…celebrate Black History Month with wilding yute releases in the heart of downtown on a daily basis, and thrill to the judge that releases them all even if the cops actually do something…


    …meanwhile, they are talking about expanding this stupid money pit streetcar they have…if they totally enclose it and run it downtown as a sort of Wild Country Safari, they might actually be able to sell tickets…

  2. Jason
    THURSDAY, 1 FEBRUARY 2024, 12:21 AT 12:21 PM
    “It’s an election year, shouldn’t they be concentrating on white supremacy?”

    …they kind of are, and by design. Part of Pedo Joe’s selection was because he was an Old White (allegedly) Straight Male, and they purposely picked this evil tyrannical pervert to poison the brand. At some point they will downplay that he was a Democrat (the same way they downplay the fact that ALL the antebellum slavemasters were Democrats) and use him as a shining example of why we should NEVER elect an Old, White Straight Male ever again.

    They picked him to poison the BRAND.

    And it’s working like a TREAT.

    Get ready for Prezzy Mooch come November. Definitely not Straight or White, although arguably Male, which they will address with their usual definition shifting (b/c YOU’RE no biologist, sayeth a Black Affirmative Action SC hire).

    Assuming any of us are still alive to see it…

  3. Uncle Al
    THURSDAY, 1 FEBRUARY 2024, 13:46 AT 1:46 PM
    “Gaza cease-fire? Easy-peasy.

    Step 1. Imprison or kill all the jihadis.
    Step 2. Stop shooting.


    …you can never complete Step 1 as long as any Muslim breathes free air.

    Not my rule, theirs.

    “Narrated Anas:

    The Prophet went out on a cold morning while the Muhajirin (emigrants) and the Ansar were digging the trench. The Prophet then said, “O Allah! The real goodness is the goodness of the Here after, so please forgive the Ansar and the Muhajirin.” They replied, “We are those who have given the Pledge of allegiance to Muhammad for to observe Jihad as long as we remain alive.””
    -Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 89, Number 308.


    …not too much you can do with that. They are under religious orders to kill you as long as they live.

    Good luck completing Step 1 against that…

  4. I remember these eejits from when I went to school in DC and there were lots of Iranian students who would take to the streets periodically to protest and call for the overthrow of the Shah. They blocked traffic for 3 hours once when I was on my way to a final exam. (In DC, that’s a legitimate excuse and the professors let you reschedule…) Joke was on them though, when the Ayatollah took over and called them all home, as he didn’t want them studying with infidels. Ha!


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