What’s on the disks? – IOTW Report

What’s on the disks?


I don’t know if it’s true or not, but let’s make a game out of it.
What’s on the disks? Make your guesses in the comments.

34 Comments on What’s on the disks?

  1. Her highlights and haircut, oh and remember to bring the frickin’ mask.

    Remind self to Botox up.

    Kick Trump to the curb.

    Finish destroying what’s left of the Republican Party.

  2. Selfie goatse photos.

    (If you don’t know what goatse is you’re in for a treat. HAHAHAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAHAHA! NSFW I mean, I cannot think of a MORE NSFW image. In fact, it’s not suitable for human eyes PERIOD.)

    (Hey, MJA started it!)

  3. New set of dentures, can barely keep the ones I have now in my big mouth.

    Get a couple of cases of vodka to fit into my new Sub-Zero freezers, I got as a gift from my new Chinese Commie friends.

    Couple cases of Depends might be in order, in case the deplorables cause more chaos.

  4. @ecp Hilarious!

    She is not a socialist. Just a plain old elitist, grifter, thief & on the Take Politician. Very Bidenesque.

    Poverty is a means to an end for her. AOC & the Idiot Squad will give the old Kh–T migraines & Cirrhosis.

  5. @Uncle AL,er um I have 2 copies of Mein Kampf on my PC. One in English and one in German. I have a lot of other primary documents too. The rest of the list, no, although a Chinese Commie roommate in college gave me some Chairman Mao toilet paper in English

    I expect Nan has Aleister Crowley, her sex tapes with JFK and the best places to buy embalming fluid.

  6. Pictures of all the Longshoremen she f*cked and s*cked while on her drunken rebellions against her dad back in Baltimore in the 60s.
    (she really did this, by the way – not with pictures, though)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I simply no longer care. Covfefe break is over. Back to all fours.

    We are in for a hellish 4 years followed by endless fraudulent elections in plain sight.

    The constitutional republic? We couldn’t keep it. Sorry Ben. Some of us tried.

  8. I will call it non- admissable evidence because it was stolen and possibly tampered with because the chain of custody of the disc is unknowable. Doesn’t give me pleasure to point this out.

  9. Huh. Just got a letter from the county assessors office. Apparently, although property tax rates remain steady at 0.81% my land and building assessment soared by over $32000 this year.

    Last I checked, this old house is falling into disrepair as I can’t keep up with it.

    Tomorrow’s mission is to force a review.

    The bureaucracy just keeps coming at me like zombies.


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