What’s the Most Obvious Thing To Do By Our Most Vacationed President and First Lady After Relinquishing Office……..Take Another Vacation Of Course – IOTW Report

What’s the Most Obvious Thing To Do By Our Most Vacationed President and First Lady After Relinquishing Office……..Take Another Vacation Of Course

DMF: It’s literally one of the biggest perks of being President of the United States: Air Force One. The White House announced Barky’s trip to Chicago for his farewell speech, and the subsequent return to Washington will be his final flights on AF1 as POTUS. But he gets one more complimentary ride after January 20th, as press secretary Josh Earnest told the White House press corps Monday afternoon:

“It is obviously tradition for the former president to take one last flight aboard the Presidential aircraft at the conclusion of the Inauguration.”

Obama, too, will get a lift on Marine One to Air Force One on that final day of his presidency. But unlike the Bush family, who were transported to their ranch in Texas, the Obamas who took numerous lavish vacations every year and just returned from two weeks in Hawaii, are headed straight for another vacation, using our freakin’ plane.

Yeah, been a couple of tuff weeks with all that goodbye partying and stuff.   MORE

19 Comments on What’s the Most Obvious Thing To Do By Our Most Vacationed President and First Lady After Relinquishing Office……..Take Another Vacation Of Course

  1. Can they keep Air Force One for as long as they want on their vacation? Waiting at an airport until they are ready to fly back? Or is this a one way ticket and they pay their return trip back?

  2. I don’t care where they go; but what President Trump should do is have his plane sitting on the tarmac, and offer them a lift home as the 747 leaves to be Trump’s new ride. And then send them a bill as they would think it was a freebie.

  3. I don’t know why they take so many vacations, whenever the press covers the return of the Frustrating Family, all look like they went to Wally World and it was closed.
    There has never been a more sullen, unhappy, dysfunctional group to ever occupy our house.

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