What’s up with Comey? – IOTW Report

What’s up with Comey?


Comey: ‘I ‘Was Confused,’ ‘Stunned,’ Lacked ‘Presence of Mind’ as FBI Director.

In Senate testimony Thursday, James Comey portrayed himself as someone who was “confused,” “stunned,” lacking “presence of mind” and not “strong” enough during his tenure as FBI director.

Comey also pleaded ignorance, declaring “I don’t know” on 45 different occasions during his appearance in the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing looking into his dealings with President Donald Trump regarding Russia and the 2016 election.

While Comey repeatedly said he was “confused” by his firing, he painted a picture of himself as an FBI director who was unsure of himself while in office. Nine times in his testimony, Comey referred to himself as “confused.” Twice, he called himself “stunned,” and he twice said he didn’t have the “presence of mind” to do his job properly.

And, in answering questions, he six times warned the committee, “I could be wrong.”

In one particular instance, Comey testified that he was both too “stunned” and too weak to do his job:

SNIP: I ask again. What’s up with Comey? Sounds like he balls up on his daybed in the fetal position from time to time.
This guy was the FBI director?!

34 Comments on What’s up with Comey?

  1. Play a dumbshit so that you don’t piss the president off
    and get away with all of the klinton coverups when you are
    out of the lime light.

    Classic I’m a moron defense.

  2. He’s into S & M. He needs his dominatrix to punish him and tell him what to do. I wonder who that could be….. who has been at the DOJ during his tenure…. a career slug, I mean a meanie. Lynch

  3. I noticed that he had some pretty big bags under his eyes as he was “testifying” (aka lying). I wonder if Trump’s tweet about maybe having tapes of the conversations made him be more truthful about some things.

    And now that the Trump administration has full access to the records of the “intelligence” agencies spying activities including the FBI, Comey may have been forced to admit that he had actually leaked his memo to someone else to forward to the media. If I remember correctly, it was only a few weeks ago that he testified under oath to a congressional committee that he had never leaked any information to anyone as FBI director. They should use appropriate criminal charges to get this admitted weakling to turn on the whole Obama gang and get the real story on all of these shenanigans.

  4. Will James Comey have to transition to become ‘Jane Comey’ in order to be forgiven for leaking confidential information like Chelsea (née Bradley) Manning was?

  5. He is a 6’8″ metrosexual that never had to defend himself. His ego seldomly checked liberated his hubris. Affected self-deprecation he uses as a virtue signal and as a shield against criticism. It is not genuine, hence it is fake honesty.

    This is the behavior of a swamprat, not the honorable knight we expected as FBI director.

    Trump knew all along.

  6. this was written elsewhere by another and thought i would share.

    “Trump is the master troll. He never said there were any tapes and did not say he made any. But he’s probably got Comey’s tapes, personal diaries and comprehensive meeting schedules.

    I can’t wait to read Comey’s diary:

    “I entered the Green room, in trepidation, wondering what the current president would try to do to me…I became increasingly uncomfortable as he said ‘Hello Jim’ in a very vulgar and intimidating manner…He shook my hand roughly, as if to communicate a kind of strangulation threat. It was all I could do to maintain my composure as he ordered me to be seated by gesturing at the table. “I hope you like taco salad!” he laughed!

    “How did he know I liked taco-salad? I never told anyone I liked taco-salad! Other than my media friends, nobody could have known that! Very disturbing!”

    “He then said he hoped the Mets would be able to improve their performance, which shocked me because I did not feel it was appropriate for him to order me to fix baseball games. This is not, usually, what the men and women of the FBI do. I replied that I would look into it, and he stared at me for 3 whole seconds….”

  7. This sort always destroy themselves. ALWAYS.

    I won’t go into why. But it was very clear to me from the beginning. As was President Trumps honesty. But Trump needed to be more than honest, and he done good. 😉

  8. Over at the Treehouse, Sundance has a piece up about how Trump had the Green dining room gutted to the studs and all the walls/trim mold has been replaced (as well as putting in a giant, new crystal chandelier as his gift to the WH). Do you think the contractors found the integrated bugging devices? Sundance is speculating it’s the Secret Service who is bugging the President. Those “tapes” he’s been tweeting about could be the discovered devices there and in the Oval office.

  9. @AA
    Incredible as it sounds, I absolutely believe it.
    and Comey is very clearly playing dumb, remember what eyewitnesses said about his demeanor during the time frame when he discovered that he was fired. ‘Confused’ my foot.

  10. Comey, Lynch, Holder, Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, etc. How did this plague start? Hopefully, Trump is the cure. I guess it was the Clinton’s who infected America. I’ve also noticed all the brooms in my house are missing.

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