What’s up with that bandage on Kim Jong-un’s head? – IOTW Report

What’s up with that bandage on Kim Jong-un’s head?

That Kim Jong-un bandage is a real mystery


[…] Reuters, because the news agency is apparently staffed with vile Commies, reported this with a straight face.

To be honest, Kim might have lost a little weight spending time on his Peloton specially made from the bones of his enemies and/or former kindergarten classmates, but he still looks like a cross between Mao and the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.

But more “worrisome,” if you’ll allow me to stretch that word beyond recognition, is the bandage currently gracing the back of Kim’s urn-like head. more

25 Comments on What’s up with that bandage on Kim Jong-un’s head?

  1. Either the bullet went in and bounced around in the empty space or its a screwed up lobotomy by a medical trainee coming to Washington for work.

  2. No big deal. Guys (especially fat ones) get neck pimples/infected pores/cysts all the time. Pop ’em (or cut ’em out), apply antiseptic, slap a band-aid on, and you’re good to go for the next round of threatening nuclear war on the Imperialists.

    If he didn’t have such a lousy short haircut he might have been able to comb his hair over that zit.

  3. Yep, I carried a cyst around on the back of my neck for a few years and recently it blew up to a golf ball and got infected. Had to wear a bandage on it for a couple weeks until the stitches came out, just a few days ago. It’s nice to not have a bandage, it was annoying as hell. I’m not fat, don’t know how much that plays into it.

  4. Could you imagine being the lucky guy that gets to scrape whiskers under Kimmie’s fat chins with a straight razor?
    Bet he doesn’t get a lot of volunteers; they’re all draftees.

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