What’s up with the psychos in New York? – IOTW Report

What’s up with the psychos in New York?

28 Comments on What’s up with the psychos in New York?

  1. Hey MJA – As a New Yawker, these bastards aren’t going to being putting Me and Mary Hatch and our boys, in any fucking quarantine camp.

    THAT I know, like the day I was born.

  2. I’m afraid that this is just gonna keep getting worse until the left and right are gonna have to either split the country up or actually have a shooting civil war. But I think it’s probably already gone too far for the split to happen.

  3. This is the sinister, unelected, and widely-despised Lt Gov Hochul’s scheme of continuing where the predatory Andrew Cuomo left off. The scarecrow Hochul colludes with the vile NYC-stationed George Soros and the comical self-promoting and despised de Blasio.

  4. It’s OK.
    Work will make you free (“Arbeit Macht Frei” in Teuton).
    Just temporary re-education and labor camps.

    All Aboard!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. This is what you get when you hand out trophies for participation: a generation of people who think everything they do is awesome, and the only reason they fail is because their ideas haven’t been implemented to their fullest extent.

  6. I saw a comment from The Young Americans for Liberty concerning the implantable chip for the covid passport: “It’s just 6 feet. It’s just a mask. It’s just 15 days to slow the spread. It’s just a lockdown. It’s just a vax mandate. It’s just a microchip implementation under the skin). Now add “It’s just a temporary internment camp.”

  7. There is no such thing as a temporary internment camp. Just ask all the Russians and others who were sent to the Gulag because they were so called enemies of the state. Or all the Jews who were killed by Hitler. Or all the Chinese killed by Mao and all the Cambodians killed in the killing fields under Pol Pot’s rule in the mid 70’s. Etc. etc. in every commie hellhole and dictatorship over the past 100 years or more.

  8. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but this is the globalists plan for the world.
    This concentration camp is brought to you in part and sponsored by your local government Pfizer medical overlord. Remember, take your shot and pay your taxes. It’s the law.

  9. It’s the water.
    I know a few folks up in the Catskills where the reservoirs are, and they tell me that many shit into the water just before it goes down the pipe.

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