What’s Up With The Sec Def? – IOTW Report

What’s Up With The Sec Def?

Gateway Pundit: Lloyd Austin Released From Hospital After Keeping Cancer Surgery Complications Secret – Disgraced Defense Secretary Releases Statement.

The Pentagon announced Monday that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was finally released from the hospital after being admitted on New Year’s Day following complications from an earlier surgery on December 22 to treat prostate cancer and will work from home for “a period of time.” more

32 Comments on What’s Up With The Sec Def?

  1. He was in Kiev and was wounded in the Russian missile strikes in Dec.
    Everyone is hush hush cuz we ain’t sposed to be there and the public would flip if the news told us.

  2. “…our military remains rudderless.”

    Well they’re out of bullets, and they’re out of replacement parts to keep equipment operational, and they’re not ordering jack shit so I’m not thinking he will be missed.

  3. “Can one of you military folk define AWOL for me, and say how what he did wasn’t that?”

    He’s a civilian, not subject to the UCMJ. Civil and Criminal US Law has no “AWOL” statutes.

  4. This one story by itself, no big deal. But in addition to all the other stories, it makes a case.
    So we all KNOW that bite-me is not running anything. did you see that confused clown?
    And you cannot “Run a war” working from home. Anyone who actually has been in the Penta (I have) and actually seen situation rooms would know this.
    This brings us all to the true question: WHO is running the place? Vacant Generals, vacant “presidents”, moronic Veeps, and empty DC buildings. Add to this list all of your favorite things. No budget, no border defense, no anything useful.

  5. Don’t tell me that y’all actually believe any of the BULLSHIT that comes out of our government?
    With all the shit they have to work with…mask technology, AI and God knows what else I don’t trust ANY news sources especially if it comes from what they are calling the WHITE HOUSE!

  6. “… a period of time.”

    As opposed to what? A period of space?
    What fukkin Pentagon imbecile writes this stuff?
    “So therefore …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. As GreyJohn said: Absent Without Leave. Basically absent without formal permission. You are obligated by military law to keep your superiors informed of where you are at all times as you belong to the government.

    Obviously all military personnel must be ready to deploy at a moments notice so your whereabouts/availability are critical to mission success.

    Your training and skill set are factored into every decision matrix and your superiors cannot maintain good order and discipline over other troops when they don’t know where you are.

    In short, it makes your boss and his boss look like fools because you don’t respect them enough to keep them informed of where you are and breaks down command, control, and communications of the force.

    We usually take the days headcount and report at the first daily formation which was Physical Training most of the time.

  8. @Jethro

    I got it

    Whoa Black Fetter bam a lam
    Whoa Black Fetter bam a lam
    Black Fetter had a gland
    Now he feels unmanned
    And they had to readmit
    Now hes in deep shit
    Whoa, Black Fetter

  9. My own prostate was excised many a moon ago, so I’m familiar with the topic. First, its highly plausible that a 70 old black man (HIGH risk for PC) who was also obese (bad dietary habits) was diagnosed for PC

    What is less plausible are these side effects. I had routine recovery problems that caused me to stick around for an extra day, and then no side effects .. and I dint have access to the nation’s best urologist.

    And whats with releasing him so soon. And what about this 17 day period without being seen. I was taking toddling steps around da ‘hood within a few days. Why hasnt Black Fetter at least shown his face to the public to dispel rumours that he may be dead.


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