What’s With All the Food Processing Plants Blowing Up Lately? – IOTW Report

What’s With All the Food Processing Plants Blowing Up Lately?


A weird trend has emerged over the past few months that seems statistically unlikely. A number of factories, logistical centers, and food processing plants have caught fire or exploded, including two that had planes crash on them. More and more people have noticed and wondered about the trend on social media. Of course, this has caused the conspiracy theorists to come out in force, so one must make a sober assessment without jumping to conclusions. But man, this is weird. With all the negative pressures on our economy and supply chains, and even Joe Biden talking about global food shortages over the next several months, one has to wonder what’s going on here. more

36 Comments on What’s With All the Food Processing Plants Blowing Up Lately?

  1. Jackass Joe predicted food shortages and by God he’s making them happen!
    Just like he:
    * Screwed-up our Energy sources
    * Screwed-up fuel prices
    * Screwed-up our Economy
    * Screwed-up the entire Supply Chain
    * Screwed-up Afghanistan
    * Screwed-up our Military
    * Screwed-up our Foreign Policy
    * Screwed-up our Police forces
    * Screwed-up our hospitals with resignations and mandatory firings
    * Screwed-up our Southern Border
    * Screwed-up our entire Immigration process
    * Screwed-up the nation by shipping diseased criminals around the country to deliberately infect and destroy our neighborhoods.
    * Screwed-up the next generation
    * Screwed-up agreements
    * Screwed-up the World’s confidence in the United States of America
    * Even Screwed-up his own so-called “plan to shut down the virus” with “Look, there is no federal solution”
    Screwing up our food sources is right in line with everything else!
    It’s not by accident or coincidence, it is deliberate.

  2. Wonder what’s going on?
    Not me.
    I have been paying attention.
    You didn’t think the nwo would just quit and walk away if rejected did ya?
    They keep telling you that you are too many.
    They want us dead or submissive.
    Scorched earth time baby

  3. …we had the top blow off one of our steam generators at my food plant when the gas valve leaked and pooled inside it, and it tried to light off.

    That’s about as splodey as this place has gotten in the 27 years I’ve been here.

    Although there was this one time someone caused a fire with a welder in the UHMW of a conveyor that got pretty high. I grabbed one of the in-house hoses we had at the time and doused it with a broken stream to not get shocked, partly because I knew ot would activate the water gong and clear the place out and call FD at the same time, partly because I was only separated from my fire service by a few months at the time and damn well knew how to use it, but mostly because I didn’t want a major piece of equipment in my shiny new job going up in smoke. I put it out and welcomed the somewhat surprised cadre from the local FD with the news, only to have their Chief ask me why I fought the fire if the flames were that high instead of leaving immediately. After some back-and-forth, I told him something like “BECAUSE IT’S MY JOB, PLUS I’VE DONE YOUR JOB BEFORE, BUT YOU’VE NEVER DONE MINE!” (Meaning extinguishing fires, not Chiefing, I was never more than a grunt myself but I think he got that plain enough in context).

    …he got kinda pissy after that, but I managed to avoid getting fired and/or arrested regardless. They DID make the Company remove all the hoses though and replace them with extinguishers, which was probably for the best because they didn’t train to use them.

    Other than that, we haven’t lost any of our dozen or so buildings worldwide. We do contract with Leviathan for MREs and such, maybe they won’t blow us up since we feed the beast.

    …but they DO have a lot of Muslims working here, so ya never know…

  4. I put it down to a few things I have noticed:

    Less Trades & stationary Engineers with EXPERIENCE working since COOF-19
    2 years of retirements along with 2 years on LESS INTAKE at trade schools.

    Factory Staff at many places are “NEW WORKERS” with less experience. Also many younger workers DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about RESPONSIBILITY.

    Factories are not the “laptop economy” and they are much harder to Re-Start & run proficiently. New workers can easily make mistakes that seasoned ones do not.

    Shortages of Parts like electrical, plumbing, Gas controls & even HVAC parts. 2 years of extra wear & tear takes a toll. Believe me, some fuckers are running machines that need repairs but the parts are not around so people are either choosing to ignore or holding things together with bubblegum & shoe laces.

    Under staffing & Fatigue for the ones that do show up.

  5. A wise man once said: “America will never be destroyed from the outside.
    If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.”

    Our nation has been turned upside down in less than a year and a half as a result of radical pedcRATz doing an inside job on us!

  6. Call me suspicious, but 14 months from “Build Back Better” to “There will be food shortages” makes my Spidey sense tingle.
    The .gov won’t be our immediate problem; the hungry hordes looking for our survival stashes, however, certainly will be.

  7. Kcir: Stationary engineer here. I have seen dimwits rig boiler level gauges to stop low water shut downs. Too lazy to fill softeners thus causing buildups in controls.BOOM! Scary. Had a shift super wire shut the pop off on the receiver tank on a 475 hp screw compressor because (in his words) it was making farting noises outside his office.I no longer work there. I jumped out and pulled the cord on the chute.

  8. By the time the mid terms get here 20% of our population is projected to be illegals that crossed our southern border. Have you seen them/ They’re all fatter than hell. This is for there benefit.

  9. huron
    APRIL 24, 2022 AT 4:41 PM
    “Kcir: Stationary engineer here. I have seen dimwits rig boiler level gauges to stop low water shut downs. Too lazy to fill softeners thus causing buildups in controls.BOOM! Scary.”

    …we picked up a spiral freezer from a recently defunct beef patty plant once, and got it cut loose and to the dock before the truck showed up, so we had a lot of time to wander around the place and look at stuff. They had been in decline a long time, and it showed.

    Passing over horrors like long-congealed unflushed toilets in the employee locker room and the amazing smell of hundreds of pounds of rotting hamburger in severely swollen bags because they simply turned the freezers off one day and left, we looked at the air compressors and found the panels open and the fuse slots filled with some welded device that simply passed power from one side to the other, meaning that these high amp 480 motors had NO FUSE PROTECTION AT ALL.

    We decided to NOT try to get the compressors, and we stripped hell out of the freezer before putting it back in service. But really, judging from the crispy, easily broken insulation exposing the bare copper in the “fuse boxes”, they’re actually pretty lucky bankrupcy got ’em before a fire could…

  10. SNS: Had an “electrician” decide to open a 600 panel by removing the power on light panel on the door reach in with a long screwdriver instead of shutting down the unit with the pesky lock out and paper work involved. It went off like gods own lightning and disabled the area for days. He looked like a cartoon,face all covered in black soot, hair burned back like he was in a wind storm. Couldn’t tell if he was scared when I found him because he had no eyebrows. The good lord save the fool.

  11. Sounds l ike some horror stories I’ve heard about Cleveland Public Power, Dennis Kucinich’s Power To The Peopl “gift” to Cleveland. As a defunct power generation plant they turned it into a distribution facility to buy power from First Energy and sell it cheaper to the natives. Anyway, it is the most unreliable power around (we always had to install a generator at any site using CPP) run by rejects who sit on their ass and collect a paycheck! By any other name it would be called welfare!

  12. huron
    APRIL 24, 2022 AT 5:49 PM

    …we had a tech named “Bud” in the cold room who was trying to figure out why a 110 fan wasn’t working and, preparatory to putting his meter in the socket, grabbed the metal conduit leading to it.

    It dawned on folks in the area that Bud was acting kinda strange. He was standing there, hand on conduit for a kinda long time, jaw clinched, wild eyed, and twitching some. Turned out the conduit was full of water, which wasn’t GFCI protected and not shorting enough to trip the 20A breaker, but enough leaked out to energize the conduit. Dude was apparently far enough down the resistance ladder to not die, but he could not speak or release himself. Someone killed the breaker and he dropped off in a quivering mess, and off to the hospital he went.

    He came back to a name change.

    In commemoration of his visible twitching, “Bud” had returned to be everlastinly called “Buzz”, right up until he quit (not too much later).

    He was a lucky guy. Not everyone is.

    But you can see where accidents happen. In this case, someone (a contractor) put a metal conduit in a washdown area without sealing it properly, ran crap wire through it, and went cheap and non-code on the GFCI.

    It may seem like there’s a lot of fires, but sometimes with stuff like this, I’m surprised there aren’t more.

  13. SNS: I put my bare hand on the fab table in my shop while holding a leaky stinger,I saw Elvis that day. Took a good few minutes for my heart to slow down. Really thought I was a gonner.I purchased new cables after that. All alone on my ass sweating. Up one arm across my chest and out the other.

  14. huron
    APRIL 24, 2022 AT 7:24 PM

    …you ARE extremely lucky there, passing it across your hear, but it was totally WORTH it just so you could say “I saw ELVIS! XD

    (I’m gonna steal that for the right occasion at work, which I hope isn’t very soon…)

  15. Burr, it could happen
    APRIL 24, 2022 AT 8:32 PM
    “:jams rag into box of lucky charms, lights it, throws box, runs in slow motion away from technicolor explosion:”

    …you KNOW the “cool” thing is to walk SLOWLY away from the explosion, all casual like because you did it and you’re tuff and badd…


  16. I think – another dot to connect to a string that is leading to the demize of a good percentage of the inhabitants of the US.

    I’ll keep on wearing the “tin hat” till someone shows me it’s all coincidental beyond a reasonable doubt.

  17. Huron, SNS,

    I have so many stories that i don’t even remember them.
    Just another day of stupid people that Lawn Darts didn’t eliminate in the 1970’s.

    Huron, here’s to 600 volt , the yanks don’t use it much, if at all.
    It really like to go BOOM on foggy wet days in European style enclosures.

  18. Kcir – Canadian Joker, Eh!
    APRIL 24, 2022 AT 10:19 PM

    “Huron, here’s to 600 volt , the yanks don’t use it much, if at all.
    It really like to go BOOM on foggy wet days in European style enclosures.”

    …I originally had 5 1980ish LeGarde retorts under my care, which had 600 volt motors on them for both water pumps and this humungous steel fan they used to circulate steam throughout while they were cooking. You’re right, not a typical American voltage, we had to fit step up transformers to them locally to get our 3 phase to meet the French OEMs requirements.

    Never blew anything up tho, they weren’t bad for what they were, but they had seriously primitive Bourdon tube controls that we had to punch out metal “programming cards” to use.

    …but you Canucks keep using the term “Stationary engineer” above. Is that a degreed mechanical/electrical engineering position, or do you mean like a “plant manager” here would, someone responsible for overall care and feeding of complex machinery?

  19. back in my water/wastewater Electrical/Mechanical Tech days I worked on many water pumps & wastewater blowers that were stepped down to 4160V from 13KV, stepped down from our 69KV switchyards. we were one of the few companies in the PEPCO/SMECO/BG&E area that they stepped up their voltage for.

    most of our small stuff, like furnaces, sewage pumps, augers, screens, etc. ran on 480V

  20. The only food related thingy I know blowed up was…… an empty sugar silo.

    I didn’t see it explode. One day it was there and then it wasn’t. I was told it was an empty sugar silo. The dust I guess is explosive?

    Dunno’. Maybe that’s what happening. Flour dust or something.

  21. Highly likely the corrupt career bum, race-annihilator, and “I had no involvement in Hunter’s business dealings” Joe Biden has engineered the destruction of food and merchandise centers and plants, widespread inflation, breakdown of farming land, and his being behind the supply chain interruptions and Russia’s invasion among other things. All to satisfy the globalists’ plantations and schemes for supremacy and domination.


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