What’s worse than being a ‘caged’ child? Being in the ‘care’ of an open borders advocate’s migrant center – IOTW Report

What’s worse than being a ‘caged’ child? Being in the ‘care’ of an open borders advocate’s migrant center

American Thinker; 

In a story that got no attention because it fit no established ‘narrative,’ two reporters from the Los Angeles Times exposed a revolting scandal: the foul, inhuman conditions of a vaunted L.A. child migrant center called Casa Libre led by a top open borders advocate billed as a “champion of immigrant rights.”

In their report, Cindy Carcamo and Paloma Esquivel begin:

Los Angeles lawyer Peter Schey has long been a trailblazing courtroom defender of immigrant youth.

He helped argue the Supreme Court case that ensured the right of children without legal status to attend public schools. He also helped secure the Flores settlement — a landmark 1997 agreement to safeguard migrant children held by the government, which gave his legal foundation the right to inspect those shelters.

Sounds like a nice guy.

And so much for the open borders lobby actually caring about “the most vulnerable” migrant children.  The story the Times uncovered is that this place, led by one of that lobby’s top leaders, was a broken-down hellhole for migrant kids with zero food (a Venezuelan-style socialist diet), cockroaches, bedbugs, a flooded basement, a leaking roof, no heat, a record of locking kids out, bedroom windows that were just holes without glass, rooms with no light bulbs, rooms with kicked out walls, crumbling ceilings, accusations of failed supervision that meant only three of the kids went to school at one point, and at other times kids were dumped into the streets when school was not in session.  In still other cases, drug-dealers on the inside ran the show.  There were a lot of violations, some 143 cited, with 93 of those labeled as posing “an immediate risk to the health, safety or personal rights of residents.”  The Times has a database of all of them for viewing here.  Anyone who complained or tried to fix things got fired and branded a ‘disgruntled’ employee, the Times reported.  And apparently, the people in charge were told again and again about what a hellhole it all was — sometimes the migrant kids themselves pleading for food — and they did nothing.  read more


8 Comments on What’s worse than being a ‘caged’ child? Being in the ‘care’ of an open borders advocate’s migrant center

  1. Ummm, not surprising. BUT on the other hand, what did the little alien invaders leave? AND why is this better?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Baby killers who want to make big bucks on slaughter of children born or unborn (remember “i want a lamborgini!” from that woman abortion company exec?), who wabt to allow pedophelia, get wet at the prospect of exploiting these poor kids.

    These are pelosi freaks.

  3. Also worse is a kid that is being trafficked with strangers so they can get asylum pretending they are related. Some of these kids are used over and over by different strangers that may treat them in horrific ways.


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