What’s wrong with Nancy Pelosi?  … Well, just watch – IOTW Report

What’s wrong with Nancy Pelosi?  … Well, just watch


42 Comments on What’s wrong with Nancy Pelosi?  … Well, just watch

  1. Nancy Pelosi – proof that extraterrestrial aliens are running our government.

    It’s in the props, dammit to all.

    The cgi is failing.

  2. Advanced Syphilis?
    Rampant Imbecility?
    Chronic TDS?

    It’s hard to say for sure … the symptoms are all so similar.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Where are those big burly men in the white suits, bringing Nancy that ultimate fashion accessory, the extra long sleeved white canvas jacket?

  4. What the hell was that about five star generals?
    The five star generals and admiral were during WWII. Omar Bradley was the last to die. Eisenhower was the only one to become President.

  5. Does it not frighten the shit out of everyone that this blathering old cow is a few heartbeats away from the Oval Office? It certainly should.

  6. sorry but I could not make it past the 4 second mark even with the sound muted so I will take your word for it.

    I find her as hard to listen to her talk as I do oblowme, killary, or any of the other liars and american haters and really do not care what they have to say.

    The only time I will listen to them is in the final seconds before the hangman pulls the lever.

  7. After 300,000 words in response, IOTW tells me my response is too long. I wasn’t EVEN a third of the way into describing what’s wrong with her! 😳

  8. She waited to read her notes until after she read her notes just to find out what was in her notes.

    Not long before she’s a pile of dust in a box on her mantle.

  9. 5 things make up content in this video:


    Suppose that’s what we would expect from a bunch of misogynists, sexists, agists, xenophobic racists that carry water for orange man bad. In Peach NOW.

  10. I feel dumber for just having listened to her! I always picture her with with her natural hair color (Barbara Bush white) and it all makes sense. Surprised there wasn’t a drool cup on her lectern.


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