What’s your credit rating? – IOTW Report

What’s your credit rating?

China’s Social Credit System is REAL and it’s TERRIFYING.


Facial Recognition has been improving and expanding rapidly in recent years. It’s being used everywhere from police investigations to Walmart security to unlocking your cell phone and adding cute filters to your photos, but what if it’s purpose is meant for something more sinister? What if the expansion of facial recognition is just the first phase toward implementing a Global Social Credit System? The Australian government is already rolling out this technology in major cities without its citizens’ knowledge, so perhaps it’s only a matter of time before Australia goes full China and implements its own version of Social Credit. This is a technology we should all be wary of and watch closely, as what’s happening in Australia may be a warning to the rest of the world.

15 Comments on What’s your credit rating?

  1. coming to a United States near you

    what do you think all those Covid drones flying around ‘taking temperatures’ was all about? Bill Gates has been a very busy little Nazi ‘Scientist’

  2. Facial recognition has been used in Las Vegas for well over two decades. That’s how they track known hustlers and regular pickpockets. Over 20 years ago my former wife dropped her wallet in a major casino while she was attending a large corporate event. Luckily an honest person found the wallet and turned it over to hotel security. They scanned her driver’s license photo and ran it through the casino security facial recognition system and located her sitting in the large conference room with several hundred other people.
    A security officer walked right up to her in the audience, introduced himself, and handed her the wallet. She didn’t even know it was missing. All this happened in under an hour.

  3. This is a technology we should all be wary of and watch closely…

    “Wary” my ass! How about vociferously denouncing and dead set against?

    Totally unrelated question. Totally! Does anybody know if a Class IV blue laser will permanently disable a normal video camera, or will the laser only dazzle the camera temporarily?

  4. I find myself being the only person without a mask at the supermarket. Scares the heck out of me.
    Just going for groceries is so stressful that I am exhausted for the rest of the day. My gut is telling me that this mask and social distance business is leading up to something very bad.

  5. @ Nine Barks
    Mrs Whatshisface has felt the same pressure. I said from now on I will go to the store, maskless, with her. If anyone has a problem with it, they can deal with me while she gets what we need. I hate mask Nazi Covidiots.

  6. @ Nine Barks SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 AT 10:40 PM

    I don’t wear masks. I just don’t. I say to the greeters: thank you for the concern for my health, but I don’t use them and walk on by. I usually hear: Have a nice day. Twice in the last five months they objected and I took my business elsewhere. Permanently.

    I was in Home Depot today and a woman said: Where is your mask. I replied: I don’t use them. And went about my business with nothing more out of her except a stunned look on her face. It was like I had hit her over the head with a skillet.

    I am not going to be told what to do when it is obvious to me that this concern over COVID is 95% pretext to boss people around. I’m not going to let it bother me. I’m just going to ignore it and go about my business.

  7. Everyone with a phone in their pocket can be tracked all day. I’ve made it through all these years without one, and most only pay with cash. Sure, I can be traced but I don’t want to make it too easy.

  8. @Uncle Al: “Totally unrelated question. Totally! Does anybody know if a Class IV blue laser will permanently disable a normal video camera, or will the laser only dazzle the camera temporarily?”

    I would say it’s a temp effect. The colimated laser beam is going to be spread by the lens of the camera to ‘paint’ the entire image sensor. This will reduce the intensity of the beam by increasing the area it illuminates.

  9. It’s a shame this technology can’t be used to identify and track violent rioters and such, it might help find the professional ones so they can be charged accordingly and more stringently pursued than simpletons that just got caught up in the moment and didn’t go there with the initial intent to be violent.


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