WHCA Denounces Comedian For Jokes ‘Not In The Spirit Of’ Civility – IOTW Report

WHCA Denounces Comedian For Jokes ‘Not In The Spirit Of’ Civility

DailyCaller- It was supposed to be an event honoring journalism, but the annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner devolved into partisan attacks on President Donald Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckacbee Sanders. For that, Margaret Talev, the outgoing head of the WHCA, wants people to know, she has regrets.

The WHCA released a statement Sunday night that, while short of an apology, did express regrets that “the entertainer’s *monolog was not in the spirit of” the celebratory tone they aspired to. Read Statement.

SNIP: *Monologue.

20 Comments on WHCA Denounces Comedian For Jokes ‘Not In The Spirit Of’ Civility

  1. Was anyone expecting anything different from these people? For years it been nothing but a conservative bash-a-thon. Let the kids have their fun, they’re suffering from the loss of their delusions.

  2. The “comedian” said it herself “you should have done your research” (about her). Regardless, all those in attendance laughed until they cried at the “jokes” she told. They just didn’t want to be exposed as who they are.

  3. I see that a number of prominent “journalists” have expressed disapproval and concern that the WHCD fiasco just confirms people’s misconceptions about the noble non-partisan mission of the media.
    Then in the next breath they voice their main concern is that it “helps Trump”
    Thereby instantly invalidating their non-partisan contention and proving their bias.
    These are dumb people.

  4. my understanding is the whca approves the materiel beforehand.
    anyway….I managed to listen to 4 minutes and found it remarkably boring with dreadful presentation.

  5. Not only does she have a potty mouth, the phucking thing is bent. I hear some people walked out? I wonder if Sarah Sanders should have, or did she do the right thing by putting up with the bullshit? Sarah is certainly a fine lady in my mind and I just love the way she slaps the shit out of Jamie Acosta. MAGA Sarah. We love you.

  6. You could tell from the subdued reaction of the audience that they knew the comedian
    was going too far. A lot of them looked like they wished they were elsewhere.

  7. I thought that Sarah Huckabee Sanders looked beautiful Saturday night. Her dress, hair and makeup were perfect. It was appalling to me how she had to sit through that garbage while radiating class and dignity. She did not deserve any of that and my heart went out to her.
    She was the eventual winner here and everybody saw it.
    And we all see now how Melania has to deal with this crap every day.


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