When Childish Worldviews Take Over – IOTW Report

When Childish Worldviews Take Over

An outstanding conversation with Douglas Murray: How the left became so radical—the lack of debate, “anti-racism” training, corporate wokeness, critical race theory, and infantile thinking. Plus, some excellent advice for those afraid to speak their minds. Enjoy! – PragerU

6 Comments on When Childish Worldviews Take Over


    The old soviet epithet to stifle dissent among members. If anything you say conflicts with orthodoxy, you can be charged with “factionalism” and soviets were not too kind with punishments.

    See also:

    “Crucify him!”

    The European Inquisition

    “She’s a witch!”


  2. I was 15 during the Summer of Love and had a little older female cousin named
    Robin who lived in the SF area who participated in all that free for all malarkey and was disowned by her Navy lifer dad because of that. She had a hard life and died too soon even going on to marry a guy with the last name of Hood so she became Robin Hood.


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