When Custody Battles Turn Evil, Look For A Flying Monkey – IOTW Report

When Custody Battles Turn Evil, Look For A Flying Monkey

Montana Sentinel:
There are many kinds of toxic people. Part of Elizabeth Peterson’s job as a Family Court Reform Specialist is identifying toxic people in what lawyers and judges often refer to as a “high conflict” divorce or custody battle.

Tina Swithin, best-selling author of Divorcing a Narcissist, appears to have coined the phrase “Flying Monkeys” as a description of the person or people behind the scenes controlling the narcissistic or unsafe parent in these hotly contested custody battles.

“Family Court has become a business in this Country. A custody battle for the safety of your children feels extremely personal to those who have had this unfortunate experience. Still, when you step back and look at it to see what’s going on, you realize how transactional the whole experience is. The Court system views you as a number and your children as nothing more than dollar signs.” more

27 Comments on When Custody Battles Turn Evil, Look For A Flying Monkey

  1. Way too many judges are completely unaware of what a malignant narcissist is. Once you get some education on the subject, they’re easy to spot. They’re often good looking men and women, but there are plenty of uglies in there too. Btw, the reason wars will always be a part of the human condition is because malignant narcissists often become leaders of dictatorships.

    Learn, and protect your loved ones:


  2. Even if an anonymous makes a coherent statement you can’t take it seriously because the track record for anonymouses is that it’s too difficult to know which mouse made the comment. The fact that these mouses thrive on aggravating their audience is evidence enough that they can’t be taken seriously. You guys need to get your heads out of your little tiny asses!

  3. Hell you underestimate the American people. We all know exactly who is the number one
    malignant narcissist is. No doubt about it. He’ll be going to trial in the great state of New York April 15th.

  4. There you go, a little tiny head stuck up a little tiny ass and even if he was to extricate his head he still wouldn’t know where he was. If I was a conservative anonymous I would be damn sure I was never connected to worms like this. You guys need to create an identity we can communicate with.

  5. Head up their ass? You have no further to look than beyond a mirror. The jig is up. A despot maniac is going down. See MAGA types fail to read the writing on the wall. His base is not enough to get him elected. Conservative is a loose term, GOP is losing American voters because of their dedication to fallen one, a child of Satan.

  6. Footnote, could be we just don’t want to communicate with you. You make a post, we make a post yes sometimes a counter post, best to leave it at that. As we grow older, one’s veiw on subjects is set. Example, I am not here to change your views on life, nor will I for ONE minute allow your views to change mine. I spent years developing my opinions, you aren’t going to change in the least bit, nor thru threats of right-winger violence either.
    Be very very careful to reap what you sow

  7. Family court, at least here in southern Maine, is a joke.
    The judges are unprepared. The women get what they want. They can even get away with denying visitation and disobeying court orders with no penalties or punishments at all. The men are all automatically guilty of everything.
    Believe me, after seeing, and helping to pay, for family court for one of my sons, family court is pretty much useless if you’re the man. Especially if you’re honest about child support and your ex is a diagnosed personality disorder.
    Every time you go to court you have court fees to pay and if you can afford a lawyer, their fees.
    It is a business and it’s a rigged business.

  8. if I did not know the meaning of anonymous, I would conclude, from reading this post, that it means “dimwitted 13 year old who argues purely for the sake of argument.”

    any reply to this post by any anonymous will prove my point.

  9. “Flying Monkey” is not the best descriptor, as the original “Flying Monkeys” blindly served the Wicked Witch. These people are more like carrion-feeders, feasting on the carcass of a dead marriage.

    Having said that, “Flying Monkeys” is actually a perfect term for anonymous trolls.

  10. f jo6. I just want to express my opinions same as everybody else, not be the victim of a lynch mob. Jo6 is the guy on westerns who likes to stir up the people with bogus accusations. Post your address and phone no or you’re as anonymous as everybody else.

  11. Not all annonymouses here are trolls. Today is a bad example, though. I made the first post today, and none of the others. The “other” Annonymous today is a idiot troll.

  12. There’s a whole child custody industry, and it’s a scam to separate desperate parents from their money. Judge orders you must seek counseling etc at one of their ‘approved’ social workers, which will cost thousands of dollars. If you want your kid back there’s no choice but to pay.


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