When Democrats are fighting each other, give them plenty of room – IOTW Report

When Democrats are fighting each other, give them plenty of room

American Thinker:  Intra-party civil war engulfs Missouri Dems, dooming McCaskill re-election bid

Claire McCaskill has just been denounced as a white supremacist and worse by one of Missouri’s most prominent and popular black Democrats, almost certainly dooming her already-faltering campaign for re-election to the United States Senate. That’s reason enough for more schadenfreude today, but understanding the context makes for even better news for Republicans, because this sort of problem is going to happen more and more in the future.

Let’s start with the specifics.

A week ago, McCaskill’s campaign released a radio ad distancing her from “crazy Democrats” in an effort to pick up some votes from the substantial majority of Missouri voters who chose Trump in 2016.  She seems to have seen the left wing takeover of her party and realized that her home state voters would be repelled by the “democratic socialism” and identity politics obsession that plays well in the Bronx and Berkeley, but which leaves most Missourians somewhere on the spectrum from indifference to anger.

Pressed for specifics, McCaskill revealed that she hadn’t thought this through very well.

When asked to identify who are the “crazy Democrats” referenced in her new campaign ad, McCaskill floated the names of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, but carefully stopped short of directly calling them crazy.

This is a no-win approach, as Warren and Sanders would hardly be mollified by her hedging, while other Dems not named assume the worst. And because so many Democrat office-holders already have been driven insane by TDS, a forceful blowback was all but inevitable.


9 Comments on When Democrats are fighting each other, give them plenty of room

  1. It is going to be a three ring donnybrook starting after the election results start coming in next Tuesday. Each of their constituencies has been inculcated with a sense of righteousness that is pathological. None of them are going to accept any share of the blame for the asswhooping that is headed their way.

  2. mccaskill calling chapelle-nadal, who is running for a state house seat, crazy is a nothing burger. chapelle-nadal, who called for the assassination of Trump, got term limited out of the state senate and is now after a house seat. She is also running unopposed. She will win her seat, regardless of who says what about her. But mccaskill speaking out, condemning ‘crazy democrats,’ serves her by making her look like a moderate, or not crazy herself. Do notice that there are no specifics given to justify the ‘crazy’ claim- that would be too accurate. They are using this as a propaganda tool.
    The two crazy democrats will kiss and make up next wednesday.


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