When do we get to quit telling people we’ve had COVID? – IOTW Report

When do we get to quit telling people we’ve had COVID?

29 Comments on When do we get to quit telling people we’ve had COVID?

  1. RSV is the hip, happening one with the child-rearing age set now. Lotsa commercials for THAT vaxxxine now, same fear mongering about kids and the elderly..

    There is no shortage of pharmaceutical stupid. The seeds of Coof fear fell on fertile ground, always a new reason to instill a fear of breathing in the gullible masses…

  2. Never had it, never will.

    I’ve been tested (under duress) 3 times, all of them mandatory. And all of them negative.Once before flying to the UK to visit my sister who had one more week to left to live, once to fly back home, and once again on arrival in Toronto. Trudope had arbitrarily instituted random testing of arriving passengers. Said passengers (of which I was one) had been tested prior to getting on the plane, then had spent 9 hours on the plane wearing a compulsory mask. Utter fuckery and I never would have subjected myself to such madness were it not for my sister.

  3. “Never had it, never will.”

    Really? Pretty brave talk for a one eyed, I’ll stop there. That’s a pretty feaken stupid statement. I’m bullet proof too. And I got it. Spent a day in bed feeling like some one kicked the shit out of me, two days later I was back in the gym. HOWEVER, the next one will be ten times worse. And there are people out there, very wealthy people, that think you and I are taking up to much space. We really need to focus on reality here.

  4. Had it WELL before anyone admitted it was a pandemic (actually a loose BIO WEAPON)

    It Didn’t do Jack Shit to me in Nov 2019 and probably dealt with it a few times since I Change a few Thousand HVAC filters a year.

    Frankly, TAX Season & Justine Dildeau’s voice are worse to me.

  5. I felt pretty poorly for about 6 weeks, but nasty ceilings did the same thing.

    What was bad was the influenza when Fukushima blew up. I mean timeline, nothing to do with Fukushima…

    I was in bed for 5 days and should have been in bed for 6. I got up to piss, or shit, or puke, but that was it. I don’t think I ate much more than 20 crackers. Matter of fact when I finally went downstairs I stayed downstairs for 3 days. I couldn’t go back up. Wake up to piss, shit, or puke, and some at the same time. I was awake about 20 minutes in the 24 hours.

  6. Kcir – 36 years of HVAC-ing

    I should mention, don’t feel bad, I’ve been making parts since Christ was a kid, and what have I learned? Not a damn thing. And what’s worse is, I’m OK with that. LOL

  7. Hey Erik,

    I think there’s a pattern actually. Blood type has something to do with it. But if your smooth and retain water look fing out. If your fat look out. It starts getting better from there.Best is if you’re lean and train. I was in three different gyms at the worst of that shit. To my knowledge, and believe me I was paying attention, only one person came down with it. I caught mine last year, at this time actually.

  8. I just learned my dad died. In January.

    Would have been nice if the bush bitch he married let the family know. No service, no obit. I guess on the bright side my half-breed sister and I are talking. Maybe if he coofed out I would have known sooner.

  9. There is NO coof – it’s all bullshit, all the time – just the seasonal flu.

    I had to get tested and the test was for SARS-2 – same fukkin flu that comes around every year.

    They (gov’t, media, & big pharma) stirred up the herd and stampeded them – collecting $Billions upon $Billions and suspending the Constitution. It gave the Nazi-crats carte blanche to practice their tyrannies – and we swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

    ecp – my condolences.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I also never had it, never will. Know why? Cause COVID is a made up “virus”. It does not exist. Not one lab, not one scientist, not one government has isolated the coof to even prove it’s existence.

  11. I’m waiting for the day that they stop saying every sniffle is COVID.
    It’s endemic in our society now, and is part of the soup of Corona viruses that make up the common cold.
    My theory is, that all of the people who are massive pain in the ass whiners when they had something as mundane as a cold, are luxuriating in calling it a spookier sounding name.
    Apparently they think constantly calling every run of the mill cold, Covid justifies their being a whiny pain in the ass.

  12. ecp,

    Lost my dad in July. I don’t know which is worse: suddenly finding out your dad died a year ago without having a chance to say goodbye or watching him die slowly for two years. They both suck. They both hurt.

    I’m sorry for your loss.

  13. My condolences ECP.

    The Coof® was a pharma money grab as it allowed for the Emergency Use Authorization of the RNA-DNA bio-weapon “innocularion.” Same with RSV, govt-media trying to scare old people into those shots which are also RNA-DNA soups.

    As stated above, its endemic now. My neighbors think they have it again, so round 3 or 4, for a family with an organ transplant child, and still getting “something” despite the shots.

  14. I dont mind telling people I got it. Because then I can tell them it was no big deal

    And that because I got vaccinated and have had all eight boosters, just like my all knowing and benevolent govt told me t- … Just kidding, I treated it with zinc and Vitamins D and C. And BTW, I probably got it from a fully vaxxed and boosted human pin cushion

    So yeah, I actually enjoy talking about it. But sometimes, the people who brought the subject up in the first f*****g place dont enjoy hearing what I have to say

  15. Callmelennie,
    In Nov 21 I woke up one day aching everywhere and so tired I couldn’t get out of my own way.
    I just took Quercitin, Zinc, 2 D twice a day and drank lots of liquid. Fine in 3 days. 9 months later at my annual check up when my NP asked if I’d been sick I told her about Nov and she said it was probably covid.
    Like you said, no biggie.

  16. Brad,

    I cant believe how many new Dead In Box parts i’m getting from the ChYnA alternate suppliers like Costa Rica & Indonesia.

    Makes the ChYnA shit loon like old parts made in the 60’s USA in comparison.

  17. I had COVID and was in the isolation ward. I did not go to the hospital for that; I went because I had a serious case of irregular heartbeat and felt the closest I ever felt to dying — because of the heart, not because of COVID. They all but ignored the heart until and it finally went back to normal three days later.

  18. Like Kcir I got it in late November early December of 2019.
    I was on deaths door.
    Went to the ER three times.
    Four weeks thinking I was a goner.
    No doctors could figure it out, covid was newly unleashed.
    Got better and 13 months later I got the second strain of it.
    About 80% as bad.

    I still talk about it because we are not being told the truth.


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