When Evangelicals Become Useful Idiots for Islamism – IOTW Report

When Evangelicals Become Useful Idiots for Islamism


Our culture looks to be coming apart at the seams. The June 14 attack on the GOP Congressional Baseball team is only an exclamation point in an increasingly hostile, increasingly violent, premeditated campaign by Democrats and other leftists to create an atmosphere of ungovernable anarchy. The Christian church has not escaped this agenda. In fact, it has become a major target. The Left, in concert with its allies among atheists, Islamists, and the homosexual lobby, is engaged in a multi-front war to destroy what remains of our nation’s Christian bedrock. One of the fronts in this war comes under the innocuous heading “Interfaith Dialog“. It sounds so compelling: a mutually beneficial outreach for “differing faith traditions” to find common ground and join forces to mend the fractious divisions between Muslims, Christians, Jews, and for that matter, practically everyone else.

But that is not what is accomplished. As Robert Spencer repeatedly argues, most Muslims want to live their lives like the rest of us. They want nothing to do with the radical jihadis, Islamic terrorism, or indeed much of the classical interpretations of Islam that classifies women and non-Muslims as second-class citizens. The problem is that while apologists reassure us that we have nothing to fear, those in the forefront of this battle, like the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the hundreds of other Muslim Brotherhood front groups, are determined to use every tactic at their disposal to deconstruct our laws, our Constitution and our religious and secular institutions, to replace them with the Islamic version, Sharia law. As Spencer says, “They take advantage of our ignorance about Islam to mislead people into complacency about Islam.”

And while the political side pushes for Muslim “rights”, the violent side communicates its intentions with murder. Both seek destruction of Western society, they just use different methods. This is little different from, for example, the campaign of violence conducted for decades by the Irish Republican Army, and its political arm Sinn Fein, which pushed for, and obtained, representation in Ireland’s government. The IRA/Sinn Fein are Marxist, and these are the tactics communists have successfully pursued all over the world. The Islamists have adopted this strategy and now work with them. We call it the Red-Green Axis.

Chris Gaubatz investigated CAIR undercover for six months while posing as an intern, and provided the raw material for his father’s explosive book, Muslim Mafia. He has also testified before the U.S. Congress regarding Islamic subversion tactics. Gaubatz warns about the interfaith dialog:

Their whole purpose with this [interfaith dialogue] narrative war is to shut the discussion down because if you can shut the discussion down…and distance Islam from any part of the problem, then the people that are charged with protecting citizens are always looking elsewhere for the problem…and the problem is, and always has, been rooted right in Islam and right in the Sharia, they’re intertwined.

James White is a well-known conservative Christian evangelist who has been seduced by the siren call of the Interfaith Dialog, and has partnered with a Muslim Imam, Dr. Yasir Qadhi, to “educate” Americans on the Muslim religion.  more here

21 Comments on When Evangelicals Become Useful Idiots for Islamism

  1. I have watched several videos of James White over the years and considered him to be a pretty solid Biblical teacher. If he actually believes the Bible he teaches from, he should know better than to involve himself in this kind of anti-Christian, unbiblical nonsense. Apparently trying to impress other men has become more important to him than trying to do right by YHVH.

  2. I was just speaking to an evangelical 2 days ago about islime. He agreed, and was in fact adamant, islime is a cult and a fraud. It is a murderous group of savages he said and a war is coming. In england the honky has responded twice recently with running over muslime dogs with automobiles. A good start, they must be eradicated, wholesale.

  3. “…most Muslims want to live their lives like the rest of us. They want nothing to do with the radical jihadis, Islamic terrorism, or indeed much of the classical interpretations of Islam that classifies women and non-Muslims as second-class citizens.”

    I would like very much to believe that this is true.

    Do we know it’s true?

    CAN we know it’s true?

    Every single Mohammedan who killed people in the West — EVERY SINGLE ONE WITHOUT EXCEPTION — had some Westerner who would have honestly sworn that the Muslim of their acquaintance was “one of the good ones,” that THEIR Muslim was one of the peaceful ones.

    Every single time that appeared to be the case, until it didn’t and people were dead.

  4. Once again – the Terrorists depend on Politically Correct, slow-learning, bed-wetting, bead-strumming, White guilt-ridden, kumbaya-singing, Liberals to act like Politically Correct, slow-learning, bed-wetting, bead-strumming, White guilt-ridden, kumbaya-singing, Liberals to pull it all off.
    It’s just that simple and I’m not counting on them learning anytime soon until it really starts hitting (their) home! Funny how Liberals say care about the world and humanity, but don’t don’t actually do anything about until it affects them, then they’re the first ones to scream bloody murder!

  5. The only interfaith dialog that works is the kind between denomination of the Christian religion. Then it’s actually intra faith, but to those have ever been part of a multi denominational group which prays or works at faith matters together, there are only a few differences that separate us. The differences between Christianity and Islam are chasm wide and can never be breached.

  6. This whole idea of Christians accepting islam as an equally valid belief system goes against everything the Apostle Paul taught. It would be like Paul inviting a group of pagan Baal worshipers into the church and telling the congregation they should respect and accept their beliefs as being just as valid as the doctrines of Christ that Paul taught, even though there were some “differences”. I can’t imagine that Paul would ever even think of doing such a thing based on his writings that constitute most of the New Testament. This just goes completely against what devout Christianity is supposed to be and what devout Christians are supposed to do.

  7. What did we say about Progressivism earlier?
    When you subsidize something, you get more of it.
    The leftist useful idiots are subsidizing, encouraging and empowering iSlamics and all the violence that comes with it…
    and the Terrorists are depending and counting on it!

  8. Islam is a death cult we all know that, what I laugh at is the call for an islamic reformation. We are watching it unfold before our eye’s.
    the last thing we need is for all moeslems to start acting like moeslems and living according to that out house tp roll called the koran! Or hang on every word of the “prophet” piss be upon him, There is not one thing similar to Christianity or Judaism. Moeslems claim to be related to Abraham but he would not recognize them as family or fellow travelers. As osama ben laden said “people will follow the strong horse”…. go get em Mad Dog!

  9. All Islam is committed as AS A COMMUNITY to submit (AND MAKE YOU SUBMIT) to their god (who is actually the Middle Eastern Moon god).

    The community is organized by and through SHARIA law to do it. Every mooselim wants this law in their lives because their community demands it.

    Believe It. Or we will be overtaken by it.

    BTW the very nature of Evangelical Christianity means desiring to serve and spread (evangelize) the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you ain’t doing that, and White and Osteen and lots of others ain’t doing that, are not Evangelical Christians.

  10. If I may offer this, it might possibly help explain a little as far as White and other suicidal ecumenists go.

    White is a staunch Calvinist. He knows his reformed theology inside and out and has debated with many opponents ,many times. White is also unapologetic that God (according to Calvinism, now) chose in eternity past who among men would be saved by Him and who would not be.

    That is key: NO HUMAN BEING FROM ADAM ONWARD IS EXEMPT FROM THIS PROCESS, AND WHICHEVER BUCKET GOD PUT YOU IN — “ELECT” OR “REPROBATE” — NOTHING CAN POSSIBLY CHANGE IT. You’re either destined to be saved or doomed to be burned. No middle ground, no third option. It’s fatalism dressed up as Christian doctrine.

    Given that, what I think is at work here is that very strain of fatalism. That is…the Reformed believe that nothing at all can happen in the entire universe without God’s sovereign decree. Another Calvinist, R.C. Sproul, went as far as to say if there’s even one stray molecule of gas floating in deep space whose path is not 100% foreknown and controlled by God, then He is not sovereignly in control over creation and, by their definition, cannot be God.

    So idiocy like this can appeal to people like White who are so far gone that they’ve convinced themsevels that they are one of God’s chosen Elect. That means they’re in the “good” bucket and so simply can’t fail. Whatever they do – or don’t do – was preordained as the will of God according to their acronym T.U.L.I.P. (look it up)

    Bottom line: if one of them gets caught up in the world the way White has been, that worldliness combined with their Calvinistic fatalism, means all bets are off. There’s no telling which direction of madness can take them. In this case, an “interfaith” “dialogue” where God said there is no communion between light and darkness, calling evil “good.”

    Sorry to blather on but that’s my hypothesis.

    The other option is that White simply isn’t saved, meaning he doesn’t belong to Christ. And if one doesn’t belong to Christ, the Bible says he belongs to Satan who can take him captive as he wills.


  11. Read the koran……

    there are plenty of places to see an English version…..

    this moslem book will tell you what your infidel fate would be under moslem rule……

    then look to the moslem majority countries in the Middle East and tell me I’m wrong.

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