“When facts fail, the far left ratchets up the fear” – IOTW Report

“When facts fail, the far left ratchets up the fear”

WaTimes/ Mitch McConnell

My Democratic colleagues have grown desperate. In the two years their party has sat on the sidelines, our nation has thrived under Republican leadership. That must be why, month after month, on issue after issue, Democrats and their far-left allies have tried to replace inconvenient facts with pure partisan scare tactics.

The latest installment landed earlier this week. The Senate’s Democratic Leader, Chuck Schumer, published an op-ed that twisted some uncontroversial comments I made about our nation’s long-term need for bipartisan spending reform. Sen. Schumer laid out quite the fiery indictment — of comments I never made and views I don’t hold.

The Washington Post’s fact-checker saw right through this Democratic distortion. When another member of Leader Schumer’s conference recently tried a similar line of attack, The Post promptly awarded it “four Pinocchios.” They researched Democrats’ claim that Republicans are gunning to unilaterally snatch away decades-old programs like Social Security and Medicare and called it what it is — “a whopper.” And they noted what I’ve consistently said for months on this subject: “McConnell says there needs to be a bipartisan solution.”

In a normal year, such a dishonest line of attack might rank among the more embarrassing episodes. Unfortunately, in 2018, it is simply par for the course. The pattern has proven consistent. When facts fail the far left, they ratchet up the fear instead.  read more

5 Comments on “When facts fail, the far left ratchets up the fear”

  1. “When the facts are on your side; beat on the facts.
    When the law is on your side; beat on the law.
    When neither is on your side; beat on the table!”

    (Richard “Racehorse” Haynes, (attributed))

    The country has done better with them sitting on the sidelines – and those of us who care about the country have noticed it. Totalitarianism usually crawls out of anarchy – thus: their focus, intent, and destination.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim wrote:
    “The country has done better with them sitting on the sidelines – and those of us who care about the country have noticed it.” 👍

    Yeah. What has the Democrat party done for you in the past two years?


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