When it’s Gnat Season in the South – IOTW Report

When it’s Gnat Season in the South

h/t Groucho Marxist

The gnats are out, y’all.

28 Comments on When it’s Gnat Season in the South

  1. I had a hippie friend, and she went to a nudist colony with two other hippie chicks during gnat season. She told me about it. In crotch-swarming detail. That’s all I’m going to say about that.

  2. Heh, cute, pretty accurate. Loved the, in your drink, part.
    I was in Belize, fishing on a river bank, the guy next to me kept careful watch on me, it got a little creepy.
    He finally asked: Deez bugs, day don bother you?
    I answered that yes they were biting but scratching didn’t do anything.
    He marveled at the fact he had never before seen a white person who didn’t scratch.
    I told him they weren’t too bad, they could be worse, he agreed.
    There was a minor baseball team called the Savannah Sand Gnats.

  3. Sand Knats are like flying JAWS.
    They get in your hair like crazy. I am
    itchin-scratchin while I write.Worse I ever saw
    was in Brunswick,GA when I was building an automobile
    unloading dock on Colonel’s Island. 7′ to 10′
    tide with pluff mud {chocolate pudding 20′ deep}
    low tide in summer…. killer,we used skin so soft.It
    worked but ultimately got into your eyes with sweat and all.

    Palmetto bugs
    Love bugs (seasonal)
    Brown recluse spiders
    No seeums (seasonal but the worst).

    Democrats🐀 🐀🐀
    Republicans 🐀🐀🐀
    Lobbyists 🐀🐀🐀

    I’ll take the south 365.

  5. As a “motorcycle enthusiast”, one of the 1st things I learned is stay off the road at dawn and or dusk.
    I have also learned that gnats and other flying pests are vehement anti smokers which works well in my favor.

  6. There should be a sports team from the south called the Gnats. Say in single A baseball. To get the alliteration, it could be called the Georgia Gnats. Maybe the Gainesville Gnats. Most other aggressive animal names have been taken by various teams, so maybe it’s time to use insects. Muskegon Mosquitos? It was good enough for a British fighter plane in WWII.

  7. Nope, no real bugs here in San Diego.
    A gnat and all those other weird bugs? I’ve only seen them in movies, or when I travel.
    The mosquitoes just outside of Saint Petersburg RU were pretty surreal.
    I didn’t know that mosquitos could bite through clothes.

  8. I know some of you guys here remember the sand fleas on Parris Island. I went through in July through the beginning of October. At the end I guess blood wise I was about a quart low. Flying teeth! In your eyes up your nose in your ears and everywhere else they could lock on for a nibble. “Don’t touch my bugs” and “Let my bugs eat” was a common refrain from the instructors.
    Ah the good old days.

  9. I hope they do one on tick season in the North, where you hope it’s the big ones that are crawling on you (the little ones dig deep and are more likely to carry disease).

  10. I live in the woods. This past winter I over fed the birds, peanuts, black oil sunflower and safflower. I only occasionally feed them now, because they’re busy eating bugs!


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