Younger liberals in particular are using a new tactic to rid themselves of responsible, law-abiding roommates who just happen to exercise their right to bear arms – eviction. Many claim the mere presence of a firearm, no matter how well secured it might be, is justification to evict law-abiding roommates.
A firearm, although an inanimate object, somehow causes fear and anxiety in liberals – even when they only suspect a firearm might be present. That in turn causes a knee-jerk reaction that gets people evicted over perfectly legal firearms. A recent example is 24-year-old Harvard University grad student Leyla Pirnie. The Alabama native had the misfortune of sharing a house with several roommates who hate guns and the Second Amendment even more.
Pirnie owns a handgun and had one secured in her room and away from her roommates. Yet, when her roommates learned she had a pro-Donald Trump hat featuring his “Make America Great Again” catchphrase, Pirnie’s liberal roommates freaked out, assumed she was a dangerous owner of firearms, and searched her personal belongings.
One roommate told her the possibility that Pirnie owned a firearm created so much fear that she was compelled to violate Pirnie’s privacy and search her belongings. Another claimed the simple presence of a firearm induces anxiety and deprived Pirnie’s roommates of the right to quiet enjoyment of the premises. While quiet enjoyment of any premises is important, it does not arise to a right – unlike the Second Amendment.
Pirnie says she kept her lawfully purchased and registered handgun hidden away and securely stored. None of her roommates ever saw it. Instead, her orange “MAGA” hat supporting Pres. Trump caused her liberal housemates to assume she owned a firearm. The roommates determined their fear of and anxiety over hypothetical guns trumped Pirnie’s right to bear arms, and they complained to their landlord. The landlord evicted Pirnie, who since made national news for the treatment by her roommates and landlord.
Pirnie’s case illustrates a growing trend embraced by anti-Trumpers and leftists– claiming the mere presence of a firearm, no matter how legally obtained and effectively secured it might be, arises to the level of a direct threat that induces panic among liberals. When that panic takes over, they think it is their right to search for firearms and have owners thrown out. That is what happened to Pirnie, and could happen to virtually any other lawful gun owner. more
h/t Forcibly Deranged.
The thing with Leftists is they are so certain that they are morally right that you are the one being a jerk for disagreeing with them.
Not much you can do, except stick up for your rights. And work on others to do the right thing instead of the easy thing.
Would they feel the same if a couple of robber-rapists broke in, the woman with the weapon could not help them because they are so sensitive to firearms. Neither could the police. Good luck dummies!
Their real fear was her support of Trump and her ability to think rationally – the gun was just an excuse
It is the people so mentally unbalanced and obsessive that they act irrationally and become abusive at the simple act of exercising a natural, civil, and constitutionally protected right who ought to be evicted, and perhaps served with a restraining order to keep them the hell away from us ordinary sane people.
“Another claimed the simple presence of a firearm induces anxiety and deprived Pirnie’s roommates of the right to quiet enjoyment of the premises.”
How about the quiet enjoyment of not having your privacy violated, or your stuff gone through by Ugg wearing, Latte snarfling, imbeciles, who collectively could not pour piss out of one of those boots
If a psycho hopped up on meth,crack,bath salts
broke onto those chicks apt. one night and went
to beatin’ & rapin’ I bet they would be wishin’
they had their Trumpy pistol packin’ roomie back !
@radionationman/…: Probably not. There’s always the virtue signaling angle and the “moral high ground”. They may well think they’d be better off dead than defending themselves. After all, psychos in their world are just misunderstood victims.
Simple. They are mentally retarded and belong in an institution……………….forever.
I always had similarly minded roommates. We weren’t always in agreement, the shit we disagreed on wasn’t all that important. I just thought she was ugly.
Soooo… if they get their room mate evicted, and THEN someone breaks in, they’re going to call… a GUN-BEARING cop for HELP?!
The woman whose rights were violated should have filed a theft report with the police – she had $10,000 hidden in her room and now its gone. The roommates already ADMITTED they broke into her room and searched it. That’s prima facie evidence they stole her money. Go on, honey, tell us how you didn’t break the law while you were breaking the law.
Unless there’s a specific clause in the lease stating no firearms are allowed on the premises, the woman can OWN that property because the landlord broke the lease and is also an accomplice to the two thieves who stole her $10,000. He may even have been the one to put them up to it.
Get a good aggressive attorney, lady. Fight them dirty. Make them fearful of the next thing you or any other conservative will do to them if they step out of line again.
I think the mere presence of a faggot that has spent the night playing in human feces is a health risk
I live in Butler Co., Ohio, directly north of Hamilton Co. that has the Bengals. It ain’t even about the take a knee stuff here. It’s about Mike Brown. HE WILL NOT FIRE MARVIN LEWIS, no matter how bad he coaches. He’s slumped over a table with the loser report every week. Two weeks ago, he couldn’t figure out the buttons on his radio. My husband thinks he’s a drunk…
The last time I remember the Bengals having a successful season, I was in the low-single digits, age-wise. I’m going to be forty before the next season starts.
And I swear, if I hear “Welcome to the Jungle” on the radio one more time, I’m gonna drive into a phone pole.