When Organizations Push Members Away Over Gun Control – IOTW Report

When Organizations Push Members Away Over Gun Control

Bearing Arms:

There are a lot of organizations out there that support gun control. I’m not talking about the groups like Brady and Giffords that have made it their mission to cram gun control down our throats, either. I’m talking about groups that supposedly stand for something else, yet somehow manage to make gun control part of their rhetoric for some idiotic reason.

And there are a lot of them.

I recently came across a story that addresses the problems for members of these organizations who may also support the Second Amendment.

Americans who agree or disagree with such proposals can vote accordingly. They can also choose to support nonprofits that agree with their views. Major activist groups such as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun ViolenceEverytown for Gun Safety, and Giffords vigorously push gun control nationwide. Because they explicitly state this mission, there is no risk of confusion over their stance on the issue. Americans who support gun rights can simply decline to support such organizations, without affecting their ability to get involved in other issues they care about.

But the situation is rather different when groups that exist for apparently unrelated purposes nevertheless stake out definitive positions on gun policy. This leaves supporters and members of such organizations who also support the Second Amendment with three options:

  1. Remain unaware of the group’s stance on guns, unwittingly supporting a position they oppose.
  2. Drop support for the organization (and all the organization’s other causes that they value) due to its stance on guns.
  3. Compromise their own values by continuing to support the organization despite its pro–gun control position.

None of these are particularly good outcomes, but regrettably, many nonprofits present their pro–gun rights members and supporters with exactly this conundrum.

It is, unfortunately, true.

Further, many of these organizations are professional organizations that many in a given field may feel almost obligated to be part of in order to stay abreast of their profession. The author, Robert Stilson, presents some examples.

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16 Comments on When Organizations Push Members Away Over Gun Control

  1. Most on the list provided was no shock. I wish there was a larger list so I’d know who else to ignore.
    My shopping options have been diminished thanks to finding out about some but they’re not missed and I feel better about not purchasing their products.

  2. Funny how a number of those organizations are unions of government employees. Many of the others tend to be liberal anyway.

    I say let Goodyear fall by the wayside and make other companies and organizations think twice about trying to force political views that are unrelated to the group’s purposes.

    I don’t mind if the reason for a group’s existence is to fight for gun control. I disagree with them, but that is what they are there for. But teachers’ unions, of at least one has called for the defunding of police, to tell us we should not defend ourselves? No.

  3. Teacher’s unions, LOCAL unions, are demanding changes to FEDERAL policy.
    All I can say is good luck with that. Can you imagine being the negotiator for a school district and having to respond to that kind of garbage? You have no ability to do anything about those demands.

  4. The left can take over everything because of one thing.

    Anything they do is protected by law.

    Conservatives have none of the same protections.
    e.g. social media can ban every conservative and we’re told they are private companies and they can do whatever they want. if a private company bans something or somebody from the left, however, it is always against the law because all leftists are in protected groups.
    The reason it is this way is because, once again, the republican party officials let it happen because they don’t give two shits about us and they are not going to save us from anything.

    I think the public will catch on to the fact that Biden has gone senile and it will make him look like a loser in the election. Therefore, the left will turn up the heat on the virus scam and probably the riots, too. It will probably be one hell of a fall season.

  5. His list SCREAMS LIBTARD. I wouldn’t belong to a group that did not support the 2nd amendment.
    I’m more concerned with the amount of people I run into on line that say they will not vote for Trump because of BUMP STOCKS. He’s anti gun, we can’t trust him, he’s just as bad as Biden and Kamel Toe. You can’t change their minds. Many say they’re voting for Biden just to teach Trump a lesson. Somebodies going to learn a lesson alright, but it won’t be Trump. Not good.

  6. Compromise their own values by continuing to support the organization despite its pro–gun control position.

    I know a lot of very pious Catholics that do that very same thing when it comes to (abortion).

  7. Life Member NRA, if your not a member you should be. They have fought this fight for a long time.

    AARP sends something once a month but:

    Global Socialism bought these companies, organizations, unions, working behind the scenes for years. Trump has brought a renewed sense of America, what it once was, and can still be. That’s why the Dems hate him so much, erasing years of their good buddy deals.
    Many more people would rebel, if it just wasn’t so much work…..
    In the end, it is still about MONEY.


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