When the Australians are saying a government has gone insane, that’s when you know the Canadian government has gone insane. – IOTW Report

When the Australians are saying a government has gone insane, that’s when you know the Canadian government has gone insane.

CTH: Sunday Talks, Even Their Australian Cousins Are Shocked at Canadian Government Brutality.

Regional states within Australia were the former apexes of totalitarian government in the era of COVID compliance.  Australia’s Zero-COVID approach led to border closures, years of regional lockdowns, armed and patrolled checkpoints, mandated vaccines, guarded quarantine camps and manhunts for escapees, forced detainment of minority populations, police shooting rubber bullets at protest groups, cracked skulls and a completely segregated society awaiting their third and fourth booster shot before they can get passed the supermarket gates.

However, even with all that… Australia never locked the bank accounts of its citizens and confiscated their property if they dare raise a voice of dissent against their “for your own good” beatings.  The pundits in Australia now look jaw-agape at how the COVID Cancer from Down Under has metastasized in the body politic of their cousins. more

15 Comments on When the Australians are saying a government has gone insane, that’s when you know the Canadian government has gone insane.

  1. Well, lets be honest,
    Australia was locked down harder than Canada.

    They could not travel more than 5km from their front door.

    They just did it without passing this type of emergency law and they took it up the ass without a fight.

    So, this really is a who is the bigger Cuck Type argument.

    Turdeau just leapfrogged them and went full anal gang bang rather than a spit roasting.

  2. Asking who was worse — the Australians or the Canadians — is like asking which half of the shit sandwich tastes worst? Answer: it’s a pointless distinction, because it’s still a shit sandwich. They both suck in their own special way. I just find it hilarious that Fidel Jr. has finally dropped his Kumbaya schtick in favor of his daddy’s totalitarian methods. The Canadians are never gonna be able to look at that shit-head the same way again after this.

  3. I’m not shocked. Not one bit. These news anchors are finally waking up to what I have been saying about the subhuman pieces of shit followers of the progressive political philosophy for at the very least three decades. I have not been the least bit reserved or bashful about saying out loud what is patently obvious. Fact of the matter is my own mother used to refer to me as a reactionary and a Bircher well before I was out of junior high school.

  4. If TrueDouche & that evil cunt from New Zealand ever had a love-child it would be a true demon spawn that would doom the earth for good.

    In fact, I may have just come up with fantastic graphic novel idea.
    I need a great artist like George Alexopoulos to draw while I compose the script.
    Think Twilight Zone, Walking Dead and Edgar Allan Poe…

  5. We’re living through some kind of weird Nietzsche/Kafka-esque time wrinkle.
    Canuks and Kiwis and Aussies are all strongly imbued with the “slave mentality” and have been since their foundings. In fact, that was kind of the point of their foundings.
    They’ll eventually declare that shit tastes like chocolate and go back to their clustered suburbs – leaving Trudeau dictator in Canukistan, that evil Bitch in New Zealand, and whomever in Australia.

    You read it here, first.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. All I can say is WEC/NWO are working overtime to see this here as well. I’ve had to quit watching videos in Canada it pisses me off too much. I start asking why someone doesn’t take the fall and start blowing those cops heads off and shooting those horses out from under them and watching them get crushed by their weapon of war.
    And if watching what the cops are doing are not enough for you to think they deserve it read the messages between them that Rebel News released. That’s also something else I’d be doing is finding the names and addresses of every single one of them and I’d also make their families’ lives hell. Their wives and parents would never be able to participate in society again along with them. It’s like I told my husband if you were a cop and they were doing this and if you didn’t quit you’d never come home. So obviously any of their family that welcomes them home are just as sorry as they are.

  7. Apparently there are variant subsets of humans that have mutated among the primary human strain that are capable of inhuman, thoughtless Nazi treatment of primary humans. They will require at least one or more “shots/stabs” or perpetual containment, to keep other humans from becoming infected.

  8. @Heatsync February 21, 2022 at 1:04 am

    > The Canadians are never gonna be able to look at that shit-head the same way again after this.

    He’ll cover it with a hijab. Pluck his eyebrows. Shave his legs. Then he’ll be a zea.

    And all will be Forgiven(TM).

  9. Brad’s link about the energy weapon is the kind of Australian Shit I’m talking about.

    As much as I’m disgusted by Ottawa, I blame the Media the Most.
    I expect the Government to be a disgrace.


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