WATCH: Joe Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 67)
It’s never a good sign when you can’t say with certainty whether the president of the United States knows the ice cream cone he’s trying to eat isn’t real, but here we are. President Joe Biden, 80, wore a frighteningly convincing Halloween costume this week (frail zombie man clinging to life and power) and handed out candy to children, presumably while suppressing the urge to smell their hair.
When your a dumbfuck how could remember anything…
I only want to watch his trial.
My dad died with Alzheimer’s after a three year battle. Joe either has it, or he has a form of advanced dementia. The people insisting he go forward are cruel indeed. I know he’s always been a royal POS and certainly have no sympathy for him personally but this is ridiculous. If his handlers are attempting to hide his condition they are deluding themselves if they believe it’s not evident.
Fuck you, joetato, fuck your family, fuck your administration, and fuck everyone who voted for you. You are scum of the highest water and deserve to be hanged for treason.
He can’t remember because someone else is running things. Joe simply signs the checks.
“You say you are due for retirement. May I ask, do your hands shake?” General Chang
(Did you see Joe’s hands quivering as he handed out candy?)
@ Anonymous: And after his trial I want to watch his hanging.
SUNDAY, 5 NOVEMBER 2023, 11:44 AT 11:44 AM
“You say you are due for retirement. May I ask, do your hands shake?” General Chang
…Star Trek VI absolutely broke McCoy’s character. In the scene where he tries to save Chancellor Gorkon, after his high-tech devices don’t work, he goes to more direct methods including CPR and a series of precordial thumps. This despite the fact that both before and after doing so he states he doesn’t know Klingon anatomy, so he can’t POSSIBLY know if this human crap will work on a Klingon heat, if he even HAS a heart and, if so how many and where they are. (Not knowing about Klingon anatomy persists into TNG when it looks like Worf will be the groundbreaking first DISABLED Klingon warrior but deus ex Klingon anatomy saves him to the surprise of Starfleet medicine, but I digress…). Surprisingly, this bit of medical misfeasance works, at least long enough to drive the plot forwards, but it DOES show McCoy IS trained on physical resuscitation technique.
…why, then, in EVERY OTHER EPISODE, when someone not main cast dies he simply shrugs it off with a “He’s dead Jim”, and often (as with Scotty’s nephew in Wrath of Khan) pulls a blanket up over their face without so much as a sternal tap to assess if they may have merely passed out from pain?
I think this establishes that McCoy’s BIGGEST failing isn’t that his hands shake a bit NOW, but that he was derelict in his duty towards HUNDREDS of red shirts and SHOULD have had his license pulled long ago for not even ATTEMPTING to revive THEM even when HE was young and string.
And no, Chang couldn’t have known about McCoy’s catch phrase on his own, but if Valeras could tamper with weapons logs and even upload him the Captain’s PERSONAL log, SURELY she could have forwarded him Starfleet Medical’s personnel files on McCoy…
…this doesn’t have anything to do with Pedo, no more than Pedo does with actually running anything but his mouth, and half the time he can’t even control THAT.
So screw THAT guy. Rura Penthe is too good for him.
… Unless he gets repeatedly raped by the punishment knee guy…
Historical tour de force, SNS.
General Malaise
SUNDAY, 5 NOVEMBER 2023, 17:32 AT 5:32 PM
Autocorrect messed up Pedo’s punishment tho. It was SUPPOSED to say PENIS knee guy, THIS guy to refresh some decades-old memories…
…one wonders how McCoy followed Kirk’s directive to “see what you can do for him”, although ice was certainly in plentiful supply…
I call him The Onion, because he looks like a white onion with eyeballs.