When the Law Demands Doctors Do What They Believe is Wrong, Bad Things Happen – IOTW Report

When the Law Demands Doctors Do What They Believe is Wrong, Bad Things Happen

The Stream:


Even some doctors say this: Doctors must do anything legal the patient asks for.  If a woman wants an abortion, they insist the pro-life doctor abort her child. He has no right to serve people according to his own deepest beliefs. He must do something he thinks very wrong.

He does not and he should not, says prominent legal scholar Michael Quinlan. Denying doctors the right to follow their conscience will hurt them and their patients. They will be better doctors if allowed to do what they think right. Continued

10 Comments on When the Law Demands Doctors Do What They Believe is Wrong, Bad Things Happen

  1. “Doctors must do anything legal the patient asks for.”

    This is not true, and I don’t know where they got this from but it destroys the credibility of the article. I’m a medical student, and deal with questions of medical ethics daily. Under no circumstance is a physician required to do any such thing.

    If a patient believes himself to be a woman and demands that I remove his penis and administer steroid therapy, I can refuse him as I believe the procedure produces more harm than benefit. This is called non maleficence, and it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with patient autonomy. Likewise I cannot be forced to perform an abortion or extreme cosmetic alteration – all of which are legal.

  2. SoCal- It may be that they’re taking a swipe at 0bamaCare interfering with doctors. I read a while back where a doctor could be sued (whether they win or not makes no difference) for refusing to do an abortion or a crotch snipping. lol. If a doctor goes out of business, it’s still a win for the Lefties.

  3. Forcing doctors to do things they don’t believe in removes
    them from the public health market and they privatize their
    Keep the phucking government out of healthcare.

  4. “Keep the phucking government out of healthcare.”

    that ship sailed a long time ago.
    but it is just what the doctor ordered if you want to “bend the cost curve downward” to steal dumbo’s phrase.

  5. These days I’m surprised anyone is becoming a doctor with all the hoops you have to jump through and regulations you have to follow. I suppose it’s only for the money.

  6. So someone who has chronic gender dysphoria could sue a doctor for failing to accommodate their delusions? That seems to be what the world is coming to.
    What should the health care practitioner do when a patient exhibits anorexia? Would they be threatened with suit for not supporting the delusions of the malnurished person standing before them? Would they have a few days in court, and perhaps the loss of their license for not agreeing with the patient that they are fat?
    As different as these two cases might be, they both have to do with being asked to support something that isn’t real. I’ll defer to reality every time. It has worked so far.

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