When They Tell You- “You Can’t Just Build Your Own …” – IOTW Report

When They Tell You- “You Can’t Just Build Your Own …”

A Real Plan to Fight Back Against the Tech Tyrants

Dan Bongino: In this episode, I discuss a step by step plan to fight back against the big tech tyrants and their cancel culture allies.

Also discussed: why a 3rd party will not work. “Because we don’t have the numbers.”


The article Dan Bongino was referring to on his show:

You Can’t ‘Just Build Your Own Twitter’. From The American Conservative.

12 Comments on When They Tell You- “You Can’t Just Build Your Own …”

  1. Well I don’t know about that, I’ve been milling up a 1911 Commander out of Titanium for the last two years in my spare time. I guess I should get serious and finish it off.

  2. Bongino displays the definition of insanity, thinking the republican is the only path forward, that really helped humanity.
    Let the party of Lincoln finally die. It’s time to try something new and it has the added benefit of showing them that the reps are a lost cause as 70 mil people leave the party.

  3. I’ll say it…
    IF Trump heads up the Patriot Party Leadership with a clearly written MAGA / KAG agenda that its candidates MUST adhere to….

    I’ll join it…
    Even if he can’t hold office himself.

    Because State and DC is longer controlled by a True VOTER MANDATE. Its is now driven by the 1%’ers and foreign countries that Mega $$ Donate, arrange $$ Million family do nothing Board jobs and controls the legal system to avoid arrest for their own crimes.

  4. I’ve been listening to Bongino more and more. Nothing against Hannity personally but his tendency to play 20 minute clips of Schumer or Pelosi had me finally switching the show off for good.
    I listened to this episode and it was a good one. I disagree but totally understand his stance on 3rd party. It was my own view prior to November 3rd. I know that that, at first anyway, it’s an almost sure loss.
    However, I am now certain that voting Republican is an absolute sure fire loss anyway.

  5. I understand the thought pattern, it didn’t work for Ross and the Bull Moose so ergo, it won’t work now.
    But, form a 3rd party and crush all the local elections. That’s the only way to get back to “integrity”. Those who run need to know that they, at the local level, will have power over the shitstain gov employees, who are the ones who performed the steal in the first place.
    I know, I was a Town Supervisor and I can tell you from experience that the Reps and Cons/Tea party’s are a joke. Same as those at the Fed level, just keep losing with “honor”.
    Screw that, go for the jugular take from them everything they hold sacred. Unions, unfunded pension plans, hand outs, useless gov positions for family, all of it.

  6. Sorry Dan, the so called Rethugican Party has proven itself to be as corrupt and even more useless the the Communists. Almost not a single one of them have anything resembling a spine, but they sure talk tough when begging for donations. The republic is all but finished now, get ready to watch the buzzards in the CONgress and Senate fight over the corps (misspelled in honor of Bathhouse Barry)

  7. The GOP could work as long as you throw out all the traitors in it.
    Let Ms Cheney be the first of many. Romney, Murkowski, etc … the chaff has made itself quite obvious. It can’t wait for nature to take its course, like with McLame.

  8. @Anonymous – Yeah I think local is the way we have to start thinking. But targeting local while the state & national GOP is still ultimately calling the shots is the definition of insanity.


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