When You Can’t Sleep At Night – IOTW Report

When You Can’t Sleep At Night

13 Comments on When You Can’t Sleep At Night

  1. Smoke some fine Indica and you will sleep like a baby no matter what is going on in your life at the moment.

    Don’t like to smoke weed?
    Then take it in pill form, the patch, an enhanced food product, or some flavorless drops, but no matter how you use the newer and safer forms of sleep aids that are all natural and have zero side effects blow away the Big Pharma alternatives that openly tell you about how your liver will shrink up into a prune, develop blood cancer, or cause brain damage while using their fine products.

    The worst thing that happens when you abuse weed or use too much of it is that you get the munchies and or sleepy while the alterative Big Pharma drugs will guarantee to mess you up in writing for the rest of your life….no matter how short they just made it for you!

  2. Cslamer-

    The thing I remember most about my YEARS of using marijuana was how certain I was that it had NO negative effects. Now that I no longer use it I am CERTAIN that it did. The only reason I stopped is because Mrs. BAMO didn’t like it (although she never told me or asked me to stop) and the difference in my life has been amazing!

  3. .45-70 and BAMO, I concur your concurrence. I haven’t smoked pot since labor Day 1975 and will never smoke it ever again and I don’t care what the state of Washington and other states say about it since they legalized it. I know how much it screwed me up back then and I don’t want to be messed up like that ever again and besides the world doesn’t need any more dumbass baby boomers who still smoke dope and think Cheech and Chong are still funny. Grow up stoners, your life is far better without it, believe me.

  4. When I cannot sleep, I open the Bible and read and Pray and soon the Lord gives me rest. Never smoked weed and am unwilling to fund the government in buying it these days.

  5. I tried being a “head” (user of pot) and tried being a “Juicer” (user of alcohol). Didn’t work for me.
    Between the two I found alcohol the most destructive, at the time I was unaware of the word “moderation”. I drank to forget, to forget I drank ’til I was drunk. Self medication must have worked, now I don’t remember shit.


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