When you incentivize unemployment, you get unemployment – IOTW Report

When you incentivize unemployment, you get unemployment

Patriot Retort-

The April jobs report came out today and for some reason people are stunned that the unemployment rate ticked up. Apparently they were expecting a million jobs created in April. Instead, payroll employment only rose by 266,000. But that’s what happens when you incentivize unemployment.

If you pay people more for not working, what’s the incentive to go look for a job?

Whenever you incentivize something, you get more of it.

This isn’t rocket science.

Yet the Biden White House was caught flat-footed.

Apparently old Joe was planning an 11:30 am Victory Lap press event to brag about the new jobs numbers. more

9 Comments on When you incentivize unemployment, you get unemployment

  1. I need to hire 3 people. No luck. I’m working 12 hour days, just to keep things going. I’d like to hire another provider besides me. Then I would need at least 3 more people to support that person. There’s no way I can do it right now. I’m in a position to double my business but can’t because of unemployment. Just one more reason to hate the Dems.

  2. …bet I could find some Africans to send your way, Cynic. They WILL show up, but need a month off every year to go back to the Motherland plus you’re going to have to adjust your bathrooms for Muslim pecker washing ceremonies and nostril blow-outs, put in better ventilation in your break room ’cause some of that traditional grub has a – distinctive – smell, accommodate Islamic holidays and figure out how to communicate in gesture as their English can be spotty…if they smile and nod vigorously, it means they didn’t get a word you said…oh, and DON’T look at Amadou’s papers too hard…no worries, the Feds won’t, either…

  3. This is on the heels of the COVID stimulus – which has been spent while the budget pork is just getting started. Local supermarkets are now competing hard for shoppers (and employees) after a recent – and noticeable – drop-off in patronage (another sign the stimulus money is gone).

  4. Incentivizing not paying your rent makes apartments less available and waay more expensive.
    Homelessness will go up. Then they’ll spend more $ to “fix” it. Vicious circle.
    Obiden and his puppet masters are trying to kill the country.

  5. A basic tenet of Behavioral psychology: Behavior that is rewarded is repeated and behavior that is punished is extinguished.

    A shame those leading us and making the rules we live by don’t know this and can’t anticipate the results of their actions.

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