When you try to fix something and… – IOTW Report

When you try to fix something and…

Kemerovo, Russia.

Guy Tries to Fix Traffic Light With Stick, Fails Remarkably

via Tastefully Offensive

9 Comments on When you try to fix something and…

  1. Immediately pretends he’s got more important shit on his schmaht phone that needs his dire attention. I’m surprised the driver didn’t beat the shit out of him. I’m more surprised this didn’t happen in Berkeley.

  2. ..and that’s why we should all get dash cams, so that the po-po or anybody else cannot blame you for shit you didn’t do.

    I have one in my truck. I enjoy playing back the video clips just so I can hear myself talking to myself, ranting about other drivers’ poor driving habits.
    Here’s my Top Five
    “Nice turn signal, asshole!”
    “Who the hell taught you to drive, Stevie Fucking Wonder?”
    “Christ On A Bicycle, do you know where your brake pedal is?”
    “Fucking idiot can’t park for shit!”
    “Oh hell, look at this schmuck’s bumper. It’s got more stickers than a filthy hippie’s skateboard. Let’s count how many stickers are in the Leftist category….”

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