When your 15 minutes of fame are long over – IOTW Report

When your 15 minutes of fame are long over

Patriot Retort –
Yesterday, in what can only be described as a futile attempt at clout-chasing, the long-forgotten David Hogg presented a poll on Twitter.

Yeah, it didn’t work out well for him at all.

33 Comments on When your 15 minutes of fame are long over

  1. BUTTHEADICUS ALTER EGO of RADIOATIONMAN August 22, 2020 at 7:37 pm

    I thought him & Greta was getting married ???

    Great! That’s what the world needs, 2 Hoggs and some little pigs running around. They named one Ima and the other Ura.

    Give them both a double dose of
    Dr.Gates RNA/DNA disrupter vaccine and
    they can have Libtard demorat 2.0 sub-human babies…

  3. I know a kid that went to that high school and you’ll never know his name. But he acted heroically that day and probably saved many lives. He’s the son of a former coworker and I asked him early on if he wanted to share his story.


    And then there is camera Hogg.

  4. The only reason why someone wants to disarm you, the typical, non-criminal citizen is so that THEY can do horrible, evil things to YOU. Things that would justify you shooting them.

    See Seattle, Portland, and other Leftist shit-holes.

  5. Didn’t he drive to school after the shooting started being reported so he could say he was there and pad his college resume?

    I was going to say “your move University of Central Florida” but Harvard couldn’t resist capitalizing on several of his 15 minutes.

  6. PHenry
    AUGUST 22, 2020 AT 7:35 PM

    “The dude is such a weakling he can’t even pick up a box of Summers Eve. Douche.”

    …I’d say he IS a douche, but NO woman would EVER want THAT in her vagina…

  7. “But I’m smaht! Smaht, I tells ya!”

    Shuffles off down the street in his tobacco-stained boxers clutching his bathrobe with one hand and his bottle of Muscatel with the other …

    Tiny violin mewling softly in the background.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I thought his 15 minutes were over for good, the result of laying in the bathtub while the water drained away. A most tragic accident occurred: he was sucked down the drain and nobody has seen him since. He’s either been pumped out into the ocean or he continually revolves around one of those big poop tanks.


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