When your skewed poll goes horribly wrong – IOTW Report

When your skewed poll goes horribly wrong


Patriot Retort: And the comedy gold just keeps coming! Cringe Candidate Eric Swalwell tried to rally folks to his side by posting a skewed poll on Twitter.

Now, skewed polls are pretty much the norm among actual pollsters. After all, responses will be more to your liking if you simply frame the question in such a way as to steer people to the answer you want them to choose.

So it’s hardly surprising that Swalwell took a leaf from their book and released his own skewed poll.

Only, Eric’s went horribly wrong.

SNIP: Horribly.

7 Comments on When your skewed poll goes horribly wrong

  1. He has the same mindset as the rest of the overbearing morons but is too stupid to keep it masked with the usual deception employed by the others.
    Back to the farm team you silly little twerp!


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