Where Are Social Conservatives to Go? – IOTW Report

Where Are Social Conservatives to Go?

American Thinker: The recent defeat in Wisconsin of a conservative state Supreme Court candidate and the warning issued by Governor Walker ought to be a wake-up call to Trump and the RINO leadership in Congress.   Gallup reports that more than one third of Americans are self-defined “social conservatives,” a large percentage of the population that is essential for any conservative or Republican electoral victory.  Historically, conservatism has been viewed as a three-legged stool:  social conservatives, fiscal (or economic) conservatives, and national security conservatives.

In fact, these three groups have little in common except a rejection of leftism.  Leftism, by contrast, because it is a soulless and unthinking brute, can be held together with nothing more than a common lust for power and status.  Contradictions within leftism are therefore as irrelevant as the banner in 1984‘s Ministry of Truth: “War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength.”

Today social conservatives, not pseudo-social conservatives who are really motivated by nothing more than naked self-interest, have nowhere to go in American politics.  The Democratic Party is anathema to social conservatives, and it does nothing to attract these American voters.  The Republican Party establishment cynically uses these social conservatives by speaking one thing and doing another.  read more

14 Comments on Where Are Social Conservatives to Go?

  1. Speak the truth.
    Stand on principle.
    Stop compromising.
    Stop retreating.
    Stop the “Yeah, but …” bullshit.
    Stop allowing a conversation to be about “feelings” instead of “thoughts.”
    Stop voting for milksop Mensheviks (eg Jodi Ernst, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, &c.) and insist on Americans who value and honor America and the American Constitution – not just by word, but by deed.

    Oh, yeah, be prepared to die for your beliefs – cuz the nihilistic totalitarians are eventually gonna have to kill you.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I voted for Mr. Trump in the primary because I knew he would kick over some apple carts. Especially the GOP’s.
    I hate the GOP; bunch of wankers.
    I despise the Left; bunch of Communists who think their participation in America’s downfall will be a credential that keeps them out of the Gulags.
    I love America.
    We need a new party.
    Lazlo recommends the ‘T’ party. After Mr. Trump
    Conservative Populism. Because most Americans have their heads on straight, and can be trusted to do the right thing.
    The Liberals own the Jerk media, we own actual conversation and civil dialog and talk radio, and internet. Liberal internet is a rabid froth fest
    Trump will be like Reagan. Hated in his own time, and enshrined by those with some time perspective.

  3. As spoken for years, Term Limits would ease the problem of establishment control.

    But the National Republican Congressional Committee and National Republican Senate Committee continue to pump establishment special interest money behind RINO candidates, against Conservative candidates and have funded Democrats running against GOP Conservatives.

    Flip any coin, one side is the republican establishment the other side is the democrat establishment.

    As long as the establishment controls the $100s of Millions of Campaign dollars; they are able to pick winners and losers of each party.

    Collusion, Control and Corruption are the goals of the establishment that reside in both the democrat and republican party leadership.

  4. Trump fights.

    He moves the Overton Window back.

    He enforces the law.

    He cannot, however, change the culture.

    We do that by not buying what comes out of Hollyweird or Motown. By finding other ways to get our kids an education (certification is fast replacing the sheepskin in a lot of areas). By boycotting sponsors who actively seek to extend the Lefty agenda. By supporting churches that preach the word of God.

    Some of this stuff you gotta get up off your ass and do yourself.

  5. It’s very difficult to convert people to the republican point of view when we have scum like McConnell, Ryan etal doing things that re-enforce all the bad stereotypes of how people claim republicans act.

  6. Where to go?
    We’re to go to hell, apparently.
    A wake up call?
    That the RINO’s should campaign as Democrats, apparently.
    Trump may be on his own more than he is now.

  7. “I hear they’ll be opening some lov-ely camps. Can I offer you a ride?”

    Too honest? Look. The core truth of “social conservatism” is “OBEY”. Maybe that works in their favor. When the regime is hiding it’s lusts behind theocracy. (Of course, that only applies if it is that particular “social conservative’s” particular theocracy.)

    When the regime chooses a more “modern” character to play, or doesn’t feel the theater is worth the effort, “social conservatives” still worship “OBEY”. That’s who they are. Even when it is their own, especially when it is somebody else’s, self declared enemy. If the enemy puts on the paper crown, “social conservatives” still demand obeisance. It’s the communist century. “Social conservatives” demand worship of The Party. Not because they, themselves, like The Party. But because they yearn for the worship.

    If the enemy of the ones that call me enemy is my ally, how should I describe the allies of the ones that call me enemy? Regardless of why they support them?

  8. I don’t know what a “social conservative” is. As outgoing and friendly as I am (you know the Irish!) to most civilized human beings when I meet them, I’m basically anti-social. I also now hate the word “social.”

    Every man… and every woman… is an island. Choosing to interact with someone is a personal voyage to a unique destination in life.

  9. Where to go?
    How about going to the polls and vote for the semi-conservatives over the Leftists, instead of staying home and sulking on election day because the “perfect social conservative candidate” doesn’t make it through the primaries.


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