Where Are the Moderate Muslims? – IOTW Report

Where Are the Moderate Muslims?


After every terrorist attack, politicians and pundits reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true beliefs of the “moderate Muslim majority.” But how many moderates are there? And what exactly does “moderate” mean? Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr explains.

32 Comments on Where Are the Moderate Muslims?

  1. “Moderate muslims must be like those supposed conservative republicans.
    Hollow happy talk.”

    You Socialists crack me up. Who’s President Bitch? How hollow are we now loser?

  2. Well this one’s a gimme…
    You’ll find them in a Million Muzzie March Against Mindless Murder, Death & Destruction on the part of iSlamic Terrorism.

    Hmmmmm… sonofvabitch, they ain’t there…

    30,707 deadly iSlamic terror attacks since 9/11.
    Oh wait, I know. They’ll march next week when they get to 30,720!
    Yeah…… that’s the ticket!

  3. They have already warned us…..thousands of times……we must surrender or we must kill each and everyone of them. I am totally for killing each and everyone of them….it’s their call.

  4. I remember how they said “You Americans don’t understand us, you are all so rich”.

    I said “If we are here fighting/protecting you, we are not rich”.

    Let Allah sort them out.

  5. I despise these assholes sooooo much, I want to go to war, which is what they obviously want.
    Fuck, I despise these cripple minded, numb-skulled, imbecile, turd loving dimwitted dumb shits.
    It must be one of their defense mechanisms; to just plead fucking stupidity and hope we will give them a pass based on their absolute lunacy.
    Hey, I am ready and it’s long past time to rumble.

  6. @frosteetoes: “Muslims desperately need to be converted away from Islam to any other world religion. I suggest they start with Buddhism.”

    Respectfully, NO. Mohammed studied with decedent’s of the original disciples and used those teachings in a way to propagate his own agenda. Not any different than Jim Jones.

  7. Live next to a fucking mosque for almost a year
    and tell me how you feel about them. They were
    lucky they didn’t have an external speaker for
    their calls to prayer.

    That was nice, right?

  8. @grool, you got me.
    Republicans have pretended to be conservatives for decades.
    Ryan, Boehner, Dole, GHWBush, McCain, Romney, Graham, are the rule, not the exception. Trump, and Reagan, had to vanquish the Party to attain the Presidency.

    Trying to make a nuanced point around here and getting hatchets thrown by the reflexive group-thinkers is the reason to blow off an internet persona.

  9. @Anonymous: OK, I’m gonna break my own rule and reply to you, just to point out one fact you have overlooked. If you have an IOTWR persona that is known to the regular commenters here, you are MUCH less likely to get hatchets thrown at you when you make a questionable remark. Instead, you will probably get axed (get it?) to explain yourself further. Except for Bad Brad, of course. He’ll tomahawk you first and ask questions later.*


    (* – Just kidding, Brad. No hatchets, please.)

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