‘Where Are The White House Security Tapes?’ in Biden Cocaine Scandal – IOTW Report

‘Where Are The White House Security Tapes?’ in Biden Cocaine Scandal

National File: 45th President Donald J. Trump is speaking out on Truth Social to ask “Where are the White House SECURITY TAPES?” that could lay to rest all of the questions and speculation surrounding the bag of cocaine found in the Biden White House. more

19 Comments on ‘Where Are The White House Security Tapes?’ in Biden Cocaine Scandal

  1. My biggest surprise is that they only found 1 bag. How’s that ‘War on Drugs’ (wink-wink-nudge-nudge) working out for ya. Can’t even keep drugs out of the White House….not that they even try.

  2. At least we have proof one person around the white house has a hobby that isn’t evil or perverted.

    So there’s that.

    Jeez, what a nothingburger of a story this whole thing is.

  3. If Humper was clear as day ripping lines it would be impossible to make a positive identification. But when it comes to insurrectionists those cameras can see thru walls down a 200 foot hallway.

  4. Breaking News: The security cameras in the White House were installed by the same company that maintained the surveillance cameras on Epstein’s cell… The Department of Justice Camera Company.

  5. @John Zonk…

    As well as the J6 pipe bomber security cameras.

    Of course, all of this camera data is cLaSsiFiEd dUe tO NaTiOnAL SeCuRiTy CoNcErNs and/or oNgOiNg iNvEsTiGaTiOnS.

  6. Blah, blah, blah Commie Comer will drag this BS till the cows come home. Who was that wheelchair guy who claimed they all did COKE? They do. Party, party, party


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