Where Can the Homeless Go? Portland Still Doesn’t Know – IOTW Report

Where Can the Homeless Go? Portland Still Doesn’t Know

Oregon Catalyst: If a homeless person asks you to find them shelter space, could you do it? It’s harder than you think. That’s because Portland lacks a key piece of a shelter system. No one knows which shelters have space or how much space is available. The first step in sheltering people is knowing where space exists. Without a tracking system, campsites spiral out of control, while their residents suffer. People with mental health problems and drug addictions are effectively cut off from recovery options.

If a homeless person were to ask an outreach worker for a place to stay, the best they could do would be to call each shelter individually. Oregon Housing and Community Services says agencies and local partners rely on 211, an information hotline which can provide only the location and contact information of shelters. Operators do not regularly maintain contact with shelters or receive vacancy updates, so they can’t report actual availability. This leaves people on public streets and away from resources. To solve these problems, Portland should implement a shelter tracking system that would allow outreach workers and officers to house homeless people quickly. more

19 Comments on Where Can the Homeless Go? Portland Still Doesn’t Know

  1. “If a homeless person asks you to find them shelter space, could you do it? It’s harder than you think.”

    Joking, right?
    It’s not hard at all: San Francisco.
    Tell them Nancy INVITED you.

  2. You don’t need an App. There is no extra room.
    The problem with the shelters is the homeless have to be lined up way before the shelter opens for the night and they have to be out in the morning after breakfast and after normal work hours start, eliminating any chance of getting out of the homeless situation. Add to that is they fill up and if you get there late, you be out of luck.
    Most of the homeless dump their trash right where they live and the city comes by and cleans it up when it knee high. Then sometimes moves them away, they just simply set up somewhere else and then end up going back to the same spot later and dump more trash. I have to drive through downtown almost every night and have watched it grow to a huge problem. Sometimes I’m thinking maybe it will be my family if the Dems and Repubs get what they want? Shutter….
    How the hell did we get here?

  3. I guarantee the city/state are spending thousands of “dollars” on the homeless. And they couldn’t set up a simple shelter coordination system among the various organizations that try to help?? Wonder where the money goes?

  4. There was a time when the state provided for the mentally impaired but those in need of help were eventually turned loose on the general public under the insistence of liberals.

    Another positive example of how liberalism turns a non-problem into a runaway fiasco.

  5. Bring back mental hospitals. Offer a choice of jail or rehab for drug addicts and enforce it. Stygmatize homelessness and push them to the at least the outskirts of town, but offer some temporary assistance to those who really need it.

    It’s called tough love, but it will minimize the problem.

  6. Portland’s Mayor, Bummagnet Wheeler, is grieving because a few businesses are still open downtown and Portland is not yet worse than San Francisco. Promising tons of free shit, Mayor Bummagnet has been encouraging the dregs of society to come to Portland. Cut Bummagnet some slack. It takes time to turn Portland’s sky scrapers into vagrant villages.

  7. Wyatt

    Just remember that the worst place for a mentally ill person was a mental hospital, because thats where hideous people like Nurse Ratched did unspeakable things like perform lobotomies on inmates. It was all revealed in that documentary, “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest”

    Thats why its Ok for these people to freeze to death during winter, because what could be more despicable than performing a lobotomy on someone

    Unless, of course, you’re the Kennedys and you do that to one of your own. Then the evil thing is to even bring that subject up, Hater

    Wonderful people, these leftists

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