Where Did America Go Off the Rails? – IOTW Report

Where Did America Go Off the Rails?


I think if historians weren’t so into self-preservation they would accurately pinpoint it to the day that leftist douchebaggery wasn’t immediately stomped out the moment it saw the light of day.

This was radical at one time. Now it’s completely normalized.



18 Comments on Where Did America Go Off the Rails?

  1. To me, this is one of the bigger turning points for the worst:

    “The U. S. Supreme Court issued two bans on prayer in public schools. The first ban came in 1962 and the second was issued in 1963. The bans were the result of a court case sponsored in part by Madalyn Murray O’Hair.”

    However, I do remember our grade schools at least still had a morning prayer for example (and pledge of allegiance). This was up to about the late 60’s or early 70’s or so in my case.

  2. Stranded nailed it-once the REgressives had a system in place to allow the government to spend far more then it took in, their idiotic social schemes could commence.

    Think for a second if ObamaCare had to be a pay as it went plan-it never would have seen the light of day-instead the trillions of fairy dust money that it’s costing are changing the lives of our great grandchildren.

  3. In my lifetime, around 1968, young men drafted into a war against communism that Democommies wouldn’t let them win, they rebelled against being slaughtered for nothing.

    Giving in to futile annihilation “demonstrated” the supposed power and inevitability of socialism/communism and a generation surrendered to that narrative. But that narrative was and is false.

    Truman contained communism in Korea. Ronald Reagan collapsed the Motherland of Communism. He proved the Fifth Column wrong, they never can forgive him, can never allow his CORRECT narrative to override the false perception of perfected socialism’s (communism) inevitability.

    Malignant socialism can be contained, it can be destroyed, that is the story that must prevail.

  4. The Sixties gave us perpetual rebellion against ‘the man’ (a normal response of being young) but these idiots never never let go, and never made it over the final bridge into real maturity: Accepting that the world as it is, and realizing building a good society is more productive than tearing down the old one to start afresh.
    Youth is wasted on the young,
    Air is wasted on the Left

  5. I was in 4th and 5th grade in 1962-63 when the effects of Madeline Murray O’Hair’s wickedness began to take effect. Because I was already in school they petty much left the older students like me alone but started their indoctrination with my younger brother who was in first grade in 1964. The 60’s and early 70’s were a bad time (as well as good) because we lost a lot of our innocence during that time period as we turned away from God thinking we could do everything on our own without God and we have been reaping the bitter fruit of it ever since then. The assassination of JFK hastened the decline, the taking away of real money ie silver coins in 1965 exacerbated the problems as well as LBJ’s War on poverty as well as Vietnam, drugs, hippies, all the antiwar protests etc. led by barry’s worthless friend bill ayres, bernadine dohrn etc. We have reaped the whirlwind since then and I damn sicked and tired of our what has happened to America and the rest of the world since then. Hopefully and prayerfully we won’t end up like the Russians did after World War 1 and the Russian revolution when they forgot God. And Madeline Murray O’Hair was probably murdered sometime in the 70’s or 80’s and her body never found as if anyone cares. May god help us including me for complacently allowing this to happen. I want my country back. it wasn’t perfect but it was a lot better back then than it is now!

  6. “… there is much ruin in a nation …” (Smith)

    Difficult to pinpoint the exact date.

    Some would say the election of Abe Lincoln, others would say Woody Wilson, still others might say LBJ.

    I believe the rot started the day our elected representatives started seeing themselves as “leaders.”

  7. I remember saying the Pledge of Allegiance in 1st grade (1964). By the 4th grade, did not do it anymore. At least we still at that time prayed before our Boy Scout meetings and outings (and at home).

  8. Fur: I was just asking a group of friends about this very thing just a few days ago!! How did we go from the heights of victory in WWII and the economic boom of the fifties to just a few years later with hippies, Woodstock, Acid and Jane Fonda…. Communist infiltration of course….. There is no way that amount of moral corruption happens in just a few short years without being actively promoted….

    We’ve all seen this list various times before right?? And they pretty much succeed!!


  9. I can’t believe it! Somebody remembers the day school prayer was banned! Thank you IOTW for letting me know that someone else knows about this horrible atrocity that occurred in our society.

    It was actually two lawsuits, one concerned a non-denominational school prayer that was recited in the New York schools. The second one was the reading of scripture in schools, that was the one that O’whore sued over. According to a news account that I read in 1995, she was found in a fifty-five gallon drum in a decomposed state. In an article at Wikipedia, she was murdered and dismembered by an employee that worked for her. sounds like a fitting end to her.

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