Where do you go when your smart home decides you’re not welcome? – IOTW Report

Where do you go when your smart home decides you’re not welcome?

Tablet Mag: On Thursday, May 25, Brandon Jackson, a software engineer in Baltimore County, Maryland, discovered that he was locked out of his Amazon account. Jackson couldn’t get packages delivered to his home by the retail giant. He couldn’t access any files and data he had stored with Amazon Web Services, the company’s powerful cloud computing wing. It also meant that Jackson, a self-described home automation enthusiast, could no longer use Alexa for his smart home devices. He could turn on his lights manually, but only in the knowledge that Amazon could still operate them remotely.

Jackson soon discovered that Amazon suspended his account because a Black delivery driver who’d come to his house the previous day had reported hearing racist remarks from his video doorbell. In a brief email sent to Jackson at 3 a.m., the company explained how it unilaterally placed all of his linked devices and services on hold as it commenced an internal investigation.

The accusations baffled Jackson. He and his family are Black.  MORE

24 Comments on Where do you go when your smart home decides you’re not welcome?

  1. In my best Greg Gutfeld voice ,”Silly rabbit, black folks don’t need Amazon, just go to your local store with a large heft bag and help yourselves……………a racist would say”.

    Or did he already use this bit on his show tonight? I’m watching the 49er game.

  2. Anon, it’s the latest thing in a declining society.
    It’s all changed, people have their faces stuck in their phones and expect to be able to do everything at the touch of a screen.
    They gladly pawn away their privacy rights for apps to access everything electronically.
    If someone comes up with a “wipe your ass” APP the sheep will line the fuck up…

  3. We bought a 2009 Suburban a year ago in almost new condition. It has OnStar. However, OnStar of that vintage used 2.4 which now is not supported as it moved to 5G.

    Today I received an email saying I can get an OnStar app on my phone. In so many words, it said it would follow me around. Granted, cell phones can be tracked but that at least takes a little effort. But why would I want someone to be able to just track me at the push of a button?

  4. @RadioMattM – “They” already track us through our cell phones, purportedly even if they’re off (the ‘computer’ has to be running to detect the on button being pushed.) That’s probably the main reason you can no longer remove the batteries from cellphones (at least most of the newer ones.)


    But, I agree there’s no reason to add any additional surveillance to our lives.

  5. It’s only fair that I mention how much I appreciate this post and how often I find myself referring to it. I have faith that you will keep contributing items that are above and above the norm here.

  6. If you bend over the table and spread your asscheeks, somebody’s gonna fuck you.

    Solution: Don’t bend over the table and spread your asscheeks.
    (wisdom from the ancient past – Akkad, I think)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. This is hilarious!! A black guy who fancies himself for learning technology, gave himself over to the “dumb” phone, and he got screwed over. See how easy it is. They have total control now of everything you say or do. They can cut off your bank account, freeze all credit and debit cards, lock your car down, turn your power off, turn your phone and electronic devices down just like that. Oh and all over because some delivery guy says you’re a racists. That’s golden. BTW screw that phone I hate the damn thing.

  8. Something I have noticed in the last 5 years is that Many people seem to have forgotten how to change batteries on basic things Now that everything is USB re-chargeable.

    I get about 20 Thermostat service calls a year where people put the AA’s & AAA’s in the wrong direction and MOST seem to be MILLENNIALs.

    Many want the GOOGLE NEST but they cause a lot of problems in Large Commercial HVAC since they are not Multi-staging & Power Robbing – too complicated to explain but essentially require running extra wires to self power.

  9. I remember this story a few months back. This is going to be the social credit system thrusted upon us similar to China’s system. Except this is not through a govt, which couldn’t be done legally, so it is done through corporations. They can chose to open or close accounts for any reason. Banks are doing it now.

  10. Ghost,

    depends what you have.

    old Plaster homes from the 80’s don’t have the extra 5th wire & some only have 2.
    When I started A/C was a luxury and VERY FEW people had it.

    Cheers, you do know what you are talking about

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