Where does Mother go to buy milk in Chicago? – IOTW Report

Where does Mother go to buy milk in Chicago?

American Thinker:
By Silvio Canto, Jr.

A week later, and many minorities are wondering what the heck voting for the Democrats has done for them.

This is from Chicago:

For neighbors, the Jewel-Osco on 75th is the grocery store. But no longer.

“It’s kind of a sad thing to think about,” said resident William Wright. “I take my grandma here every Sunday.”

On Sunday night, it was ravaged by looters, as you can see by the aftermath captured in video from the next day, leaving neighbors frustrated.

“It’s not what you do. It’s how do you do it,” Wright said. “What did we accomplish, aside from take our property value down and embarrass ourselves?”


24 Comments on Where does Mother go to buy milk in Chicago?

  1. I wonder how many of the burned out and destroyed corporate owned businesses will be reopening their stores there?

    It would seem to me like it should end up as a cost/benefit risk analysis sort of thing, but that’s just the way I would be doing it.

  2. I can envisage a whole new paradigm for “shopping” in riot/crime plagued neighborhoods. Fortified stores with no public access, all orders placed by phone or on-line and pick-up lanes for the shoppers, guarded by security. Certain elderly or disabled residents get free delivery. Walmart and other shops already do this with grocery pick-up/delivery services. Stops looting and shoplifting cold.
    When I visited France years ago, I noticed that ALL of the banks had security locks on the doors. You had to buzz in to get to a vestibule, wherein the door locked behind you. Then you had to buzz in to get to the lobby of the bank. This could be done in high-crime mini-marts, banks, etc. It wouldn’t cost too much and robbery and shoplifting would pretty much stop. The bad guy could steal and try to get out, but he only gets to the vestibule and the store owner/clerk would have to buzz him out. I think we could come up with better plans for many of these problems if we just start thinking outside the box.

  3. What have the Democrats and liberals done for minorities? From what I can see, less than nothing.

    It’s been over 50 years since Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act, which was immediately hijacked by the party of the Klan because LBJ signed it. Since then, we have learned that government housing – i.e. the projects – were abject failures that had to be torn down. We have learned that you cannot cure poverty by giving people money. We have learned that the black family can be, in fact, destroyed and that it is possible to promote an environment where about 75% of urban black children are being raised by single care-givers with a lot of fathers absent and ignored. We have seen that it is possible to turn dilapidated neighborhoods into violent, and still delapidated hellholes. We have witnessed black “leaders” use racism and poverty to line their own pockets at the expense of the black community. We have seen intelligent and thoughtful black voices for change – Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell come to mind – marginalized because they recognize American liberalism for the cancer that it is. We saw Margaret Sanger’s vision of decimating black communities through abortion come to fruition. We watched as our first black President actually made racism worse. And most recently, we got to see woke people – many of whom don’t live in black neighborhoods – incite, encourage, promote and participate in riots which destroyed parts of those neighborhoods.

    I’m having a hard time finding how these woke folk have advanced the cause of black people over the past several decades.

  4. MerryMouse- There are some banks that do that same thing.
    Because of a massive shoot out at a Bank of America in southern California (I’m sure everyone’s seen it on TV or heard of it) that bank started a locking mechanism for each door (only 1 person can pass at a time) and had a no head cover, no sunglasses policy. The only other banks I’ve seen do that is Chase. But again, shitty neighborhoods. I worked in some shitty neighborhoods. LOL.

  5. The “inventory shrinkage” that took place during the riots will be paid for by higher prices for those of us who actually PAY for the stuff we use. This is why a pair of Air Jordans costs $200 (although only and idiot would pay that much for a pair of sneakers).

    Side bar: I do have to admit a sense of satisfaction when I saw the perpetually virtue-signalling Nike be the victim of looting of their stores. The same assholes who gave lucrative contracts to scum like Colin Kapernick. F-you, Nike.

  6. Palmer Park, MD (where “Sugar” Ray Leonard was raised), was a shit-hole 50 years ago with the LIPS looting in broad daylight without the accompaniment of rioting.

    The guys (mostly it was guys) would walk in, take what they wanted off the shelf, and walk out, bypassing the paying customers at the registers while the cashier would stare at his shoes. This was at a Dart Drug store which didn’t last another 6 months. By the time we moved out everything was closed except the liquor store.
    Mr. Leonard sank some money into it when he hit the Big-Time but I don’t know how that worked out – I never returned.

    50 years ago – HALF a CENTURY!
    NOTHING lasts that long except on purpose.
    #BlackLiesMatter – what a crock of shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Minneapolis, Minnesota……DEMocRAT Mayor……Frey…..DEMocRAT Governor…..Walz….DEMocRAT controlled police department….. killed George Floyd…..then let the protests turn into arson, looting, and rioting…..that have allowed DEMocRATS to destroy Minneapolis, Minnesota neighborhoods…

    Chicago, Illinois…..DEMocRAT Mayor Lightfoot…..DEMocRAT Governor Pritzker…..DEMocRAT controlled police department that let the protests turn into arson, looting, and rioting….that have allowed DEMocRATS to destroy Chicago, Illinois neighborhoods….

    I could go on and on……but you have to open your eyes and see how you’re being used…..to correct the injustice.

  8. These people in these areas will have to drive a lot more or shop online. Then the mob will go after the trucks. Then no delivers in those areas.
    No, they don’t think ahead much.

  9. Africa has deserts. Now you do too. Embrace the rich mosaic of your motherland.

    Ask Colin Kaepernick to pay for it. Ask Steve Carrell and the other Hollyweird Communists to divert some of the funds from their legal teams who would rather bail out the subhuman filth that burned your store down or the molotov wielding Ivy league graduate attorneys from white shoe law firms.

    This is what ashes in your mouth tastes like. They’re gluten free ashes.

  10. Starting to think that the Rasmussen poll that had Trump at 40% black approval might be reflective of their real attitude. After awhile anyone will begin to realize that the people you’ve mindlessly voted for for 50 plus years and has done absolutely nothing for you just might not be working for you.


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