Where Have All the UAC Gone? – IOTW Report

Where Have All the UAC Gone?

Sharyl Attkisson has done an independent report on the government’s secrecy about where it has been placing all the unaccompanied alien children (UAC).

Thanks to the Conservative Tree House we already have a pretty good idea. Perhaps Sharyl will look into those phony numbers next.

See her report here




8 Comments on Where Have All the UAC Gone?

  1. It would not surprise me one bit if the CIA was swooping down on little Central American towns, scooping up whole populations and dumping them in our hinterlands, all because there wasn’t enough natural illegal immigration to use all the stuff we give them, and government quotas must be met, or agency budgets might be reduced.

  2. One of our local schools had 326 unannounced new students show up last week.

    He’s not asking for the moon, ya’ll. Just a place where a couple of kids can prop their heads up on their hands while they dream of voting for a welfare check tomorrow.

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