Where in the World is Mahmoud Abbas? – IOTW Report

Where in the World is Mahmoud Abbas?

...Being Treated in a Great Satan Hospital.

 American Thinker-
After damning the United States for recognizing reality by stating that since Jerusalem is the capital of Israel the US will move its Embassy there in May to celebrate Israel’s 70th anniversary, the PLO president-for-life, Mahmoud (a variation of the name Mohammed) Abbas took his traveling hate show to a receptive audience, the UN, where he repeated the message but in more moderate — relatively — terms.

And then?  Well, since he condemns the US and all that it symbolizes whenever the opportunity arises — and even when it doesn’t…

 “Damn your money!” to the United States following President Trump’s decision on Jerusalem. “We will not accept for the U.S. to be a mediator, because after what they have done to us — a believer shall not be stung twice in the same place.”

…he quickly returned to the well…”s&#*hole” territory he presides over. where US aid money, which he still eagerly accepts, European aid money, oil aid money from Muslim countries, and UNRWA aid money is used for weapons  and destruction, not schools and hospitals.  Except that he didn’t return there, according to the Jewish Insider, almost the only outlet on the story:

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was sighted on Wednesday in Baltimore, Maryland. According to a source, Abbas is receiving medical treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

An impressive motorcade of Secret Service vehicles were seen parked outside the Four Seasons Hotel in the Harbor East neighborhood of Baltimore.   MORE HERE

17 Comments on Where in the World is Mahmoud Abbas?

  1. WTF? Why is the Trump Administration allowing this? I can’t think of any good reason other than an unfortunate medical accident. As in, “Oops – the scalpel slipped and severed the carotid artery…”.


  2. This should be news. American haters receiving medical care in America. Why not the glorious free medical care of Cuba?

    If his doctors happen to be, what was the term Farakahn used, ah, yes, “gutter people” that should be news also.

    Personally I would let him have the best doctors we have but insist he was treated at the local zoo.

  3. 1. Get that DNR paperwork signed.

    2. When released, make him wait at the curb for his ride home. Hopkins is surrounded by a quite lovely bunch of Baltimore’s finest citizens.

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