Where Is MeToo for Women at the Border? – IOTW Report

Where Is MeToo for Women at the Border?

AG: Customs and Border Patrol released statistics last week showing the highest number of apprehensions at the border in 11 years. But along with the numbers of illegal crossers an equally serious crisis is growing—that of sexual and other types of violence perpetrated against migrant women and children as they make their way to the U.S. border.

Lax border enforcement and asylum loopholes that favor minors have encouraged women and children to come to the United States. As a result, many are increasingly willing to put themselves in harm’s way—and paying dearly.

featured article in the New York Times last week outlines the horrific assaults on girls as young as 4, and women of all ages, perpetrated by smugglers or coyotes—either on the trek to the U.S. border, or once they have arrived.

Women were locked in rooms for weeks at a time, drugged, and repeatedly gang raped. Others were held prisoner in makeshift brothels in the Rio Grande Valley, referred to by the smugglers as “nueva carne”—new meat. Many of them had their hands and feet bound so they could not move, let alone escape. At least one was left pregnant by her attacker.

The appalling examples reported by the New York Times are indicative of a serious and endemic crisis of assault.

Doctors Without Borders has found that about one in three women have been sexually assaulted while traveling up through Mexico. In a speech, Dr. Joanne Liu, international president of the group, reported that “women and girls seek contraception because they simply expect to be raped during their journeys.”

survey conducted by Fusion estimates that 80 percent of Central American women are raped as they travel to the U.S. border from Mexico. Reporters at the New York Times found more than 100 documented reports of sexual assault of illegal migrant women along the border over the previous two decades, which law enforcement officials and advocates say likely only skims the surface.  more here

6 Comments on Where Is MeToo for Women at the Border?

  1. Metoo was only about Trump. It was resurrected for Kavanaugh, but it was never about helping women, just about attacking the right. So sad, they care more about winning a battle than about taking care of those unable to protect themselves.

  2. Gee, Dyslexia and Tourettes is a real bitch to live with.
    Read the topic all wrong,,,
    thought it said,,
    F’ you too,,,
    Even with my disabilities,
    still does agree with my original interpretation.

  3. Gee Wally, What does that say about
    these so called “men” we are letting
    into our country.They will stop raping
    when they get here right ?

  4. women and girls seek contraception because they simply expect to be raped during their journeys

    The Sun rises in the east. That’s not shocking. That’s not a crisis. That’s not un-expected.

    By all means, let us overrun America with people who know — as surely as they know where to expect the Sun to rise — that rape, pedophilia, and murder just happen. An ordinary part of life. So ordinary, they will join in, expecting it to happen.

    That way Americans who know corruption, tyranny, and murder — as surely as they know where to expect the Sun to rise — as their ordinary government, won’t be disappointed. So ordinary, they can patriotically join in, expecting it to happen.


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