Where is Nancy Pelosi’s ‘speedy’ teen-molestation investigation of California Dem. Rep. Tony Cardenas? – IOTW Report

Where is Nancy Pelosi’s ‘speedy’ teen-molestation investigation of California Dem. Rep. Tony Cardenas?

American Thinker: Democrats have always spoken with forked tongues on assorted #MeToo cases, calling for swift judgment on accused (and innocent) conservatives such as Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, while dragging their feet on allegations involving their own. John Conyers, Keith Ellison, Al Franken, Bob Menendez – they all have had their #MeToo issues, as does the Virginia clown show crew, yet somehow Democrats aren’t quite treated the way Republicans are.

And it’s really obvious in the case of California Rep. Tony Cardenas, who’s been credibly accused of drugging and molesting a teenage girl in his care and now is being sued for it in a California court. Here’s what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to promise last May after news of the disturbing case broke:

“As Members of Congress, we each have a responsibility to uphold the integrity of the House of Representatives, and any type of alleged misconduct must be investigated by the Ethics Committee,” Pelosi said in a statement. “Congressman Cárdenas said he will fully cooperate with an Ethics investigation.”

She said that Cárdenas has “appropriately asked us to withhold judgment until there is a full investigation of the facts.”

What has she done since that call for a ‘prompt’ and ‘speedy’ investigation? Actually, nothing.

No ‘ethics’ investigation and no yanked committee assignments. The whole thing has been swept under the rug. Compare and contrast to Republicans who’ve been charged in legal matters, such as Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, who faces campaign finance violation charges for taking a trip to Italy, or Rep. Steve King of Iowa, who lost his committee assignments based on his blundering language about white supremacy. Cardenas is credibly accused of drugging and molesting a little girl.  MORE

6 Comments on Where is Nancy Pelosi’s ‘speedy’ teen-molestation investigation of California Dem. Rep. Tony Cardenas?

  1. “Making them live up to their own rules.” is not the same as “Dreaming they might live up to their own rules.”

    And the Republicans would be punks. If they weren’t just fake not Democrats.


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