Where it stops, nobody knows… Twitter comes for the ‘Moderate Left’ – IOTW Report

Where it stops, nobody knows… Twitter comes for the ‘Moderate Left’

Laura Loomer says Twitter is coming for the moderate Left.

23 Comments on Where it stops, nobody knows… Twitter comes for the ‘Moderate Left’

  1. I look forward to the day that twitter loses most of it’s followers to an alternative site and I hope jack dies homeless in a muddy ditch fighting a rabid racoon over a dumpster chicken bone.

  2. You laughed (to my friends I said) when I told you not to get involved with Facebook and Twitter. But alas you did anyway. Now look at you…

    All heil to the new Kommander-In-Thief…and his little ho kameltoe.

    Just another reason I’m obsolete….

  3. I’d have a twitter account, but it’s not worth the effort for the 5 minutes they’d let me keep it as my bio would state “male with penis.” Somehow the truth is wrongthink.

  4. How about getting rid of all that social media bullshit and return back to the good old days where people sought out the company of their families and friends and when you saw each other there was stuff to discuss because you didn’t tell everybody in the world what you did while or ten minutes after doing it. I miss those days.

  5. Well that’s the thing with communism, nobody is safe from them unless you’re at the top of the food chain.
    Biden called all Trump supporters domestic terrorists and is going to set up a department to find all of us.
    The House is drawing up papers to declare all Trump supporters domestic terrorists.
    The idiots like Zuckass and Jackass are too damn stupid to know eventually they will come for them. Hell, they have billions of dollars and an avenue for those who come late to the party to communicate, so they may come for them sooner than they think. Their usefulness is just about finished.

  6. Re-read “The Rebel” by Albert Camus.
    As the nation (any nation) becomes more polarized, the moderates are always eaten first. We tend to suspect those whose moderate views are immoderate to us.
    Remember what happened to Trotsky, Mekhlis, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Yagoda, the Mensheviks, Bukharin, and millions of “Kulaks?” Not all that “moderate” except in the sense of the politics of the time. Chairman Mao also murdered most of his friends, and some of his family, when they became “moderate” by his excesses.
    Getting banned is just the first step. Later they’ll become “unpersons” and finally they’ll admit their deviationist “guilt” on the gallows after weeks or months of torture.

    Some things must be killed in infancy – and socialism (National or Inter-National) is one of them.

    We’re already seeing that some are more equal than others.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man- There are only
    four things certain since Social Progress began:-
    That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,

    And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the Fire;
    And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins

    When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

  8. @the obsolete man: yeah… we have a radio talk show host here who always proclaims “I’m living in a world I don’t understand.” Me? I just hang around, mostly, shaking my head in disbelief as I read and read some more. My wife says I’m old. True enough. I checked, though, and my Marine Corps Enlistment oath has no date of expiration. I guess I’m good to go, if I knew where “go” is.

  9. Gee whiz Lurker, ain’t you never had no insurgency training?

    Go native. Spray paint slogans all over the place. Superglue locks to target buildings…..hang on….there’s like 2 whole chapters of this stuff… some of it is even non lethal.

    Also I already gots me a conical bamboo hat so I am indeed, good to go.


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