Where was her broomstick? – IOTW Report

Where was her broomstick?

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Joe Biden blocked Squad member Rashida Tlaib from Air Force One flight to Detroit event because she voted against his $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.  Tlaib had to book her own travel to her hometown of Detroit after 46* left her off the manifest for Air Force One. 😂  more

14 Comments on Where was her broomstick?

  1. ‘broomstick’? … I’dunno … take off those glasses, put a bag over her head … two bags, to be extra cautious … cut out the bag in the mouth area … looking better, huh? … no? how about burlap?
    … yeah, ain’t working for me neither
    no wonder the Muzloids hump goats

    hey, it’s Saturday night & I’ve had a few … apologies for the, um ….. nah!

  2. Personally, I don’t care a hoot about the squatter member Tlaib though the pedophile and supremacist Biden blocked her because she’s a semite and he’s known to be major anti-semitic.

  3. The only reason this …thing…was elected is thanks to decades of importing muslims into this country, facilitated by evil democrats and weak republicans. And the inflow increased exponentially under Obama and Biden.


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