Where was the Tower of Babel? – IOTW Report

Where was the Tower of Babel?

Archeologist Doug Petrovich explains why he thinks he has identified the site of the Tower of Babel based on a variety of evidences from the Ancient Near East.

14 Comments on Where was the Tower of Babel?

  1. So why did all these Mediterranean and near-east cultures develop written language over 5,000 years ago, but native Americans never did? In fact even today there are some primitive tribes in various corners of the world who still have no written language.

  2. This was a fascinating video.

    I’ve watched many of the videos from the “Is Genesis History?” makers. The very first one,”Is Genesis History? – Watch the Full Film” starts out with the narrator standing in a canyon that had rocks dated as a million years old. As he continues, he comments on the small stream flowing through the canyon and wondering how many millions of years it took that small stream to carve through that canyon.

    Then, the truth about how it was formed! Want to know the answer?:

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