Where’s Ruth? – IOTW Report

Where’s Ruth?

It has been 54 days since the public laid eyes on the 85-year-old Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and her absence is prompting calls for proof of life.  The last time she was seen was on December 6, 2018, when she heard arguments in person at the Court.  Since then, she underwent surgery on December 21 of last year after two cancerous growths from her left lung were discovered and removed.  All official statements have been issued by people close to her and meant to assure the public that she is recovering quietly.

However, RBG has missed oral arguments this month for the first time in her 25-year career on the bench, and it is raising anxieties about how well and if she is recovering.  It has been reported that the White House is taking steps toward preparing a short list of Supreme Court nominees in the event of Justice Ginsburg’s death or departure.  Adding even more fuel to the speculation, Fox & Friends “accidentally” showed a memorial graphic that claimed that Ginsburg is dead.  The show apologized shortly after and blamed it on a “control room error,” but it’s worth noting that the graphic even being made and loaded is a disturbing, macabre preparation.

She was scheduled to attend a function called “An Evening with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg” in Los Angeles on Tuesday evening at the Skirball Cultural Center, but the event was “regrettably canceled” because she is still recuperating from her recent surgery.  A second engagement on February 6 with her and philanthropist David Rubenstein in New York City was also canceled.

The reason her absence is so monumental is that if her health has compromised her ability to do her job as a member of the highest court in the United States, her removal will give President Trump his third justice nomination of his first term.  This would be an apocalypse to the liberal Democrats, who would be faced with the most conservative Supreme Court in modern history for decades to come.  If you thought the Kavanaugh nomination was rough, imagine if Democrats doubled their efforts the third time around. more

53 Comments on Where’s Ruth?

  1. They just have to prop her up until they are safely within the window of the Neil Gorsuch Rule: since McConnel denied Obama his selection in the last year of his presidency, it’s only “fair” that Trump be denied his. Democrats are really big on “fairness”. Option 2, impeach Trump and claim he shouldn’t name Ruth’s replacement while under impeachment. She’s on life support and playing along with the Dems.

  2. @Tony R – problem with the Gorsuch Rule (actually the Biden Rule, or Merrick Garland Rule) is that there are more than 50 Senators on the same team as the president. That wasn’t the case when Scalia died, or in 1992 when there was potential for an opening and Biden waved his finger at Bush Sr.

  3. …I wouldn’t consider Murkowski, McConnell, Romney, Collins, or Rubio to be on the same team as the President,@ Left Coast Dan, regardless of what their jersey says…

  4. ALSO:







  5. LCD, historically the wife and I have not really jumped on one side or another on abortion. We both have different reasons. In light of several new events we are both strongly on the side of right to life. These people are insane. Fucking cold blooded killer insane. Here’s an idea. Wear a fucking condom. This is beyond evil.

  6. Never wish suffering on anyone (I joke) however not ever on a senior citizen that has been mentally deluded by a lifetime appointment. Everyone talks about term limits, yea like that’s gonna happen. This is one that should at the top of the list!

  7. I bought the late Johnny Carson’s Carnac hat on E-Bay and it has enabled me to make one prediction before burning out:

    RGB has already joined the choir invisible. When the Dems absolutely positively cannot disguise her demise any longer, they’ll announce her death and subsequent immediate cremation, “at her request”. (So as to avoid an awkward autopsy.)

    Meanwhile her clerks are forging her signature and backdating every piece of legal paperwork possible, so that it would appear she signed it well before her death.

  8. Supernightshade

    You seem like a reasonable guy. Is killing full term babies a day before they’re born something you can get behind? That’s what the recent legislation in several states means.

  9. Nazi Pelosi will have Ginsberg stuffed full of sawdust, Shyster Schumer will work the jaws and they’ll have her mouth communism for another 10 years until the termites hollow her out and she deflates like a Killary re-election campaign.

  10. …you’re right of course @Bad_Brad, I am no fan of infantcide. It is troubling to think what these evil people would make of their children though, if they DID allow them to live…

  11. I guess I have a good imagination- she may be at chelsea clinton’s apartment, which used to be a medical clinic, and the same place that hillary retreated to, when she passed out at the 9/11 memorial. I don’t know why that is in my head, she could be anywhere, but she sure ain’t showing up for work.
    I don’t think the Supreme Court is in session when the State of the Union speech is scheduled, so they’ll probably use that as an excuse for her not showing up there, too.

  12. It’s really not an unreasonable request to see if RBG is dead or incapacitated…..FFS she’s part of the head of the three Gorgons that rule our lives….just have her breath on a mirror, nibble some garlic, elevate above a bed, wear a coonskin cap, walk 10 feet without help, get up out of a chair unaided, wipe your own or others ass, put peanut butter on soft white bread, open a small jar of pickles, put shoes on, brush your teeth, comb your hair, pluck a nose hair, turn on a light, dance to Bob Dylan, clean your ceiling fans on a ladder, hell, get on a ladder….pronounce ladder……..fuck it, she’s dead….

  13. If Ruthie is present for the State of The Union, it could be a Hollyweird body double. None of the Demwits will care and RINOs would be too scared to say anything. More than likely a no show. Ruthie’s got one foot in the grave.


    He’s at a rip old age and has served enough. He will have retirement money and Trump can name someone younger while he still can.

    Good strategy.

  15. 99th: yea, but we will notice when Anne Hathaway slicks her hair back and puts on wire rimmed glasses.

    That move only works in the movies and they won’t pick an ugly old woman to play her.

    Tea Leoni is Hillary Clinton. Jessica Chastain is Madeline Halfbright. Felicity Jones is Leftwing Anti-America’s favvie Abortionist SC judge.

  16. Wish the March for Life group would focus on the American Medical Association and their training of doctors to abort/kill babies. What kind of “Doctor” trains to kill a baby? What kind of higher education school trains a student to kill a baby? And gives a degree to do it. Sick and evil. I never hear one person ask, when confronted with the quote “a woman’s right to choose”, “choose to do what? Kill a baby?”.


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