Where’s the report of Border Patrol ‘whipping’ that DHS Sec Mayorkas promised ‘in days – not weeks’? – IOTW Report

Where’s the report of Border Patrol ‘whipping’ that DHS Sec Mayorkas promised ‘in days – not weeks’?

American Thinker-

By Thomas Lifson

More than two weeks ago, on September 22, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas promised the House Homeland Security Committee a swift investigation into the incident in which a Border Patrol officer was photographed using his reins with a Haitian illegal border crosser nearby, creating the impression that a whip was being used.

He vowed:

“It will be completed in days – not weeks.” 

Two days later, President Biden piled on, prejudging the incident:

President Joe Biden said Border Patrol agents who whipped at Haitian migrants with horse reins as they attempted to cross the Rio Grande in Del Rio, Texas this week will face punishment for their “outrageous” actions.

“I promise you those people will pay,” Biden said of the agents during a White House press conference on Friday morning [September 24]. “There will be consequences … It’s dangerous, it’s wrong. It sends the wrong message around the world, it sends the wrong message at home. It’s simply not who we are.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki has repeatedly called the images and footage “horrific” and “horrible.” The Department of Homeland Security announced on Monday that it opened an investigation into the agents’ actions.

“The footage is extremely troubling, and the facts learned from the full investigation, which will be conducted swiftly, will define the appropriate disciplinary actions to be taken,” DHS said in a statement earlier this week.

AT readers will remember the hysteria that swept the corporate media and Democrat politicians, regurgitating memes about Blacks being whipped in the days of slavery, in order to incite hatred against those who try to maintain our border. more

8 Comments on Where’s the report of Border Patrol ‘whipping’ that DHS Sec Mayorkas promised ‘in days – not weeks’?

  1. An investigation will refute the narrative, ergo, there will be no investigation. The whole intent is to “hit and run”. The useful idiots are left with their first -and only – impression. Mission accomplished.

  2. Calm the Hell down! It’s being revised and rewritten and passed around for a nearly final edition. After the Veep Throat checks it for grammar and proper spelling, it will be sent back to the Basement for Dr. Jill to read it to her Dementia Patient in Chief. Please give them a few more weeks or months to get this hot potato tucked away until the ChiComs can distract us by invading Taiwan. Stay Calm, they are working on it.

  3. The point was never to actually investigate, let alone admit mistakes — it was simply to put the narrative out there, no matter how wrong or outrageous it was, just as long as it was politically useful at the moment.

  4. A variation on what stirrin’ the pot said: they did the investigation and found that the accusations were pure garbage. If the results were released, they would not be able to continue with the narrative.

  5. Any guesses on whether we’ll be treated to a SOTU in ’22? I say his
    handlers won’t allow it or it’ll be taped and heavily edited complete
    with him wading into the well with CGI congress-critters lavishing total


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